When it comes to making money online, you must have a YouTube marketing strategy. At some point you will more than likely use YouTube after you realise the true potential of its marketing power.
In an earlier blog, I discussed and illustrated the massive Youtube ecosystem and why it is essential for any affiliate marketer. To be truly successful you need to have a YouTube marketing strategy to ensure message congruence and a consistent brand personality.
When it comes to YouTube, unfortunately the golden rule is volume. There is a direct correlation between how much content you create and your subscriber numbers. This unfortunately is often the most difficult thing to execute. Unlike other social platforms developing well produced and scripted videos takes quite a lot of time.
So should you just pump out as much content as possible? Not exactly, the content still needs to have value and be engaging. If you are spamming low quality videos with a poor message this could actually lose you subscribers. What should you do to ensure your YouTube Marketing Strategy is an assets to your business? Here are 5 tips to ensure you are on the right track!
YouTube Marketing Strategy – Research, Research, Research!
Your first step when creating any strategy, whether it is a business strategy, content strategy, social media marketing strategy or YouTube marketing strategy should be research. For those of you who are regular visitors of the site you would know generally my posts on planning includes this as a critical element. Why?
Research will define, and direct your entire strategy. Depending on what you find, your message could change, communication channels and content. Another key benefit of research is understanding what your competitors are doing.
Establish who your competitors are, or other influences in the same space as you. Look at what they do, how often they post, what they post. This can help shape your own strategy, as their journey is far more progressed than yours. You can see this almost as a way of short cutting through the bad ideas.
Once you have done enough research to understand what the direct of your YouTube Marketing Strategy will be, the content you will post and key messages you can start to think about you content.
Content Silo’s
Have you heard of Content Silo’s before? Content silo’s are a great way of grouping together related content in your website for SEO purposes, but the theory can be applied to YouTube as well. Not only does it help with SEO but is also fundamental to usability. When users land on your YouTube page, you want to make it as easy as possible for them to find your best, and most engaging content.
For example, in the affiliate marketing space you will obviously be using your channel to sell your affiliate product. To do this you may create a bucket for education. Focusing on affiliate marketing strategies, how to make money online and general affiliate marketing tips.
Secondly you may create a bucket for system reviews. Uncovering the scams, and ultimately suggesting your best system based on your experiences.
By creating silos you can specifically target different demographics. It also allows you to chunk your content, which ultimately makes it easier to plan for quality and quantity. You can choose your content buckets based on what you enjoy, and different areas that you can switch between.
I love content silo’s purely because some days I am not in the mood to create content on education, but can pump out a review, and vice versa. By creating 2-4 silo’s you also make navigation incredibly easy when users come to your channel.
Your YouTube Marketing Strategy MUST Include Consistency
If you wish to build a loyal audience, you must be consistent. Not only in the frequency of your content, but the tone of it as well. People chose to follow you often often seeing a post, video or image that appealed to them. The quickest way to lose your followers is to completely switch your tone from what attracted them to you int the first place.
As I covered in a previous post, there are general guidelines you can follow for how much content you should post and when. Unfortunately with YouTube marketing this is harder than any other platform. Creating high quality video content takes time, a lot more than finding a great picture to throw up on Instagram.
It also requires a little bit of skill, which you can learn, but that in itself takes time as well. All of these barriers will impede your consistent posting. You either need to commit and be great a pumping out content, or skip YouTube all together. It really is black and white, you cannot post a video a month and expect to get a large following.
Before you start pushing out content, plan out your first few videos. Create them and have them ready to start uploading. This way you start with a few days worth of content loaded. You can then aim to meet your production schedule, but if you miss a day or two you will still have content to load and push to your subscribers!
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Subtitle All Your Videos
Did you know a lot of viewers watch videos without sound? I cannot count the amount of times I have stopped while scrolling through Facebook to watch a video, and haven’t clicked through to start the sound.
Adding subtitles to your videos will enable your message to always be relayed to your viewers. The best part is it really in’t that hard to add subtitles to your YouTube videos. Their is an inbuilt system that is pretty good at capturing the audio and converting it to text. So you simply need to correct the errors!
The other massive benefit of adding subtitles to YouTube videos is SEO. Search engines cannot watch your videos. But they can crawl through the subtitle text. So many people do not take advantage of this and trust me you are wasting such a valuable opportunity.
Try to Collaborate Where Possible
Finally collaborate with other people. Sure you opinion is amazing, and your voice is memorising to your followers but getting other points of views can capture wider audiences.
But collaborating by targeted influencers you will ultimately get access to their viewers as well. Collaboration captures organic viewership, and leverages the experience of other YouTubers to help build your brand.
When you are first starting out, if you can get an establish influencer in your space to collaborate with you, it will instantly increase your credibility. Likewise they will also get access to your subscribers as well, so its win-win for both sides.
Obviously if you have 1000 followers, your chances of collaborating with your top influencer with 1 million subscribers is very low. But if you target someone with say 2000-10,000 you may find your success rate a lot higher. Be sure to plan out what you wish to collaborate on. Look at their content, and identify a potential gap in what they are creating to increase your chances!
Now You Have Your YouTube Marketing Strategy Its Time To Make Some MONEY!
So now you have my 5 tips for improving your YouTube Marketing Strategy its time to make some money right? Making money online actually isn’t that hard. All you need is a real system, a good affiliate program and training.
If you are committed and willing to do the work daily, your financial potential is endless. Making money online is like any business. When you first start out it will be slow, but if you persist, you will slowly grow into a highly profitable business.
When I started Affiliated Success I had just finally found the right system, and done to work to have a successful affiliate marketing business. If you really want to make money online as a career you MUST be willing to invest in yourself. Lets face it, if you wont even pay $30 for your own education are you really serious about your financial future?
If you understand that you need to work to make money online. You need to be committed to set up an online business to eventually earn you a passive income, then read on. If you want to make money fast, and lots of it, this isn’t for you.
Below is my number 1 recommendation for making money online. It will teach you the tools YOU NEED to make money online, and to be successful. Regardless of how you want to make money online you need to know how to sell it, where to sell it, and how to run your business. This is how I learnt ALL of that, and grew to the position I am in today.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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