Looking for an honest Aliprofits System review? Or simply want to know if its a scam? Aliprofits System claims, thanks to a “state of the art income machine” to be able to help you earn $500 a day or more while doing NOTHING.
Is this another get rich quick scheme? Or another legitimate way to make money online? It reminds me a lot of some copy and paste scams I recently uncovered like Quick Home Websites, Home Income Millionaire, Silk Road Effect and Auto Online Sites. All promise the same thing. Quick easy money for virtually no effort on your part with a “done for you” system.
Unfortunately the truth of the matter is there is no copy and paste system that will never work. They are all get rich quick schemes, and get rich quick schemes NEVER work.
Affiliated Success was created to debunk all the myths around making money online. To find all the scams, and reveal them to you. But also to discover the LEGITIMATE programs, which I am happy to say there are many. I spend MY MONEY so you don’t have to without knowing it WILL work. I only recommend programs and systems that have made me money.
Below is my number 1 recommendation for making money online. It will teach you the tools YOU NEED to make money online, and to be successful. Regardless of how you want to make money online you need to know how to sell it, where to sell it, and how to run your business. This is how I learnt ALL of that, and grew to the position I am in today.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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Aliprofits System Review
Aas the name suggests Aliprofits System is a program that claims to be able to help you make $500 or more A DAY by using eCommerce strategies. Aliprofits is a “homage” to Alibaba and I’d suggest is a ploy by the creators to hopefully use the name to gain credibility with customers.
The fact of the matter is this program has nothing to do with AliExpress, and you should not draw any conclusions they are linked to the company from the name. As I suggested earlier this is one of countless programs claiming the exact same thing. And there will be many more to come.
Unfortunately the by product of being in such a lucrative and successful “build it yourself” environment is that there are opportunistic people looking to scam everyone for a quick buck. I dare say this program is just a re branded scam from the past. Scammers often run the life out of the scam, take the site down, re brand and launch again as a “new” program.
There is nothing new about it. Same “system”, same scam. Lets take a look at what Aliprofits promises and what it “should” do for you.
What is Aliprofits System?
Aliprofits System also known as Ali Profits is a program that uses eCommerce to help set you up with a passive daily income stream of $500 or more. Passive meaning its set and forget. This system will apparently run on auto pilot.
All you need to do is spend $37 and “within a few clicks” you will be making money on autopilot. Below is the marketing video you will be greeted with when you land on their website.
It follows the exact same format as all the other scams. It focuses on how your life will dramatically change for the better if you take advantage of this system. How you are special and are lucky to have come across this offer AND that it will be expiring soon. Better act fast.
What the video fails to do is mention how you will make this money, what the system is, or really anything about it at all. It introduces you to the owner, Shawn J, who is 100% without a doubt a non existent person. more on why later.
So with all of that said, how SHOULD the system work if it was legit?
How SHOULD Aliprofits System Work
Aliprofits focuses on using AliExpress for an eCommerce business model using dropshipping. For those of you knew to the world on online business, dropshipping is a business model whereby you never actually hold any stock. You simply make sales, and then pass on the details to a distributor. They then handle all the shipping, logisitics and returns if there are any.
It is a great way to get started in eCommerice as your overheads are low. The traditional “online store model” would involve purchasing large amounts of stock, storing them and hoping you made the right decision on what will actually sell. If it doesn’t you are left with stock no one wants and the bill. Dropshipping completely removes this risk.
There are platforms and companies purpose built to help you automate this entire process and make it as seamless as possible. Such as Shopify or WooCommerce. You still need to handle enquiries and customer relations if anything goes wrong, so the blame will ultimately lie on you. That is why it is important to choose your vendor wisely. If they ship a dodgy product the customer will be complaining and blaming you!
So Aliprofits works by telling you all the above and giving you a whole bunch of generic training. Everything that you can get for free online just by googling Free Dropshipping Guide. The companies I mentioned before give great guides because they want you to sell with them! If you are confident and know what you are doing because of their guide, naturally you will choose them.
Then Aliprofits offers you a whole bunch of up sells – that’s how they make more money from you. Traffic source up sells, more useless guides and even a premium package called “Tri Money Machine” for $197. All of them are useless. Lets take a look at that training, and the members area to show you what I mean!
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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The Aliprofits System Members Area
Below is a screenshot of the “Basic members area”. I assume if you buy the Tri Money Machine, or one of their other premium offers they would change the title and maybe the colour of the page. Give you your moneys worth!
As you can see there are a few different areas and resources you can access. B2B means business to business, and focuses on selling to other businesses whereas B2C means business to customer. You use B2B to maintain your vendors and suppliers, and then onsell the products to customers, or the B2C channel.
The are 7 video lessons which basically cover the entire process from setting up, finding products, selecting vendors and finally selling your products.
Now a note on these videos. Generally in these scams the content is fairly useless, but in Aliprofits it is actually pretty informative. Now don’t mistake that for valuable. It is still pretty generic and can definitely be accessed for free with a quick google search. But it was surprising that they at least put together some decent information here.
The other sections give you eBooks and case studies of other people making money with dropshipping. For example the Cheat & Tips section gives you a 33 page eBook that outlines a case study of how someone made $2000 in their first month.
All of this information is probably true. People do make money with dropshipping and you can be very successful. Just not with Aliprofits System as there isn’t a system. It’s like someone selling you a coffee shop system and then they just explain what a coffee shop is, and how to sell coffee….nothing unique here!
Aliprofits System Red Flags
As if you need them to know this isn’t the answer to all your money making dreams, lets take a look at the red flags that stand out to me with Aliprofits System.
Fake Testimonials
The number 1 go to for any would be scammer, fake testimonials. In the video you would have seen a few testimonials of people claiming they had made some serious money with Aliprofits System in as little as a few weeks.
Below is a screenshot of two of the lucky online money makers, Fred and Alicia!
It is no surprise that these two people are paid spokespersons. In fact it is so easy to hire people on Fivver, I feel testimonials now hold absolutely no weight. For about $100 you can get someone who has never heard of your product or service. Has no actually knowledge of what it does and give them a script to read.
Most of them don’t care what they are reading for, its just a gig and if its for a scam that’s not on them, they are merely providing a service. And not to throw shade on them at all, they probably don’t even know its a scam. If you are a scammer you are not going to reveal that to someone you want to record a testimonial now are you!
Below are Fred and Alicia’s Fivver profiles offering testimonial services.
Non Existent Shawn J
I alluded to this earlier in this post, but the owner, Shawn J, is completely made up. There are no links I can find at all betwen Shawn J and Aliprofits System. I can’t even find any social accounts that would lead me to believe that they are the Shawn J of Aliprofits Systems.
Why is this a problem? For anyone who is in the online money making system, whether its affiliate marketing, eCommerce or some other method, they know that if you created a system you wouldn’t want to be anonymous.
Creating a personal brand is an incredible valuable and powerful thing to do online. If you created a legitimate system, that works you WANT people to know. This would explode your credibility and enhance your personal brand dramatically. Your network of followers would grow and their loyalty would increase. Then your potential for future sales of any kind increase as well.
Shawn J would never want to be anonymous. Period.
Autopilot Money Making System
Any system that claims you can make money on auto pilot, with a few clicks to set it up, is 100% a scam. There is no system that exists. No way you can have an auto pilot system set up in a day. Trust me if there was I would be doing it, and I would be telling you about it!!
The fact of the matter is, with online business one critical part of the sales process is traffic. You cannot just launch a product, service or site and immediately have people visiting it. There are currently close to 1 billion websites online with 200 million of them being active. That’s a lot of people to compete with. It takes time to get traffic and to be seen.
You can eventually earn money on “auto pilot” once you have set up deep traffic networks. Fine tuned your offerings and system, and been in the game for years. Then you will have a passive income, and it can be upwards of $10,000 a month. It really depends how much work you want to put in. OVER YEARS. Not days.
AliProfits System – Scam or Legit? The Verdict
Aliprofits is a system that uses the Clickbetter payment gateway. For those of you who have never heard of ClickBetter, it is a website that allows affiliate marketers to list products and services. It is a market place for making money online!
The great thing about it is they have a 60 day money back guarantee. So that is one plus for Aliprofits System. I highly doubt the upsells use this system though, so they can run away with your money on all those expensive extras.
Aliprofit Systems falls into the grey area of many recent scams I have reviewed. On the one hand you can get a refund of your money if you are unhappy with the product. And you get something for you money – despite it being available for free everywhere online. That that in essence is not a scam.
But the marketing is pure hype and completely untrue. Aliprofits System is not a system at all. It just explains dropshipping. So you the product is not as marketed. I wont out and out label this a scam, that is up to you.
But I will give a strong recommendation. 100% STAY AWAY FROM ALIPROFITS SYSTEMS. You can make money with dropshipping. There are just far better resources out there for free to help get you started! I also think there are far better ways to make money online as well.
How Do You REALLY Make Money Online?
You can make a very good living using dropshipping. However I personally think there are better and easier ways to make money online.
The good thing is making money online is actually quite easy. That being the actual process and steps you need to follow. However the work require is hard. You need to put in a daily commitment and build your online business. It wont grow itself over night.
There is no get rich quick schemes online. In fact, most people fail to make money online simply because they give up or they do not stay committed to the process.
If you understand that you need to work to make money online. You need to be committed to set up an online business to eventually earn you a passive income, then read on. If you want to make money fast, and lots of it, this isn’t for you. I have reviewed literally 100s of programs in search of the best way to make money online, and this one has helped me make the MOST online.
Below is my number 1 recommendation for making money online. It will teach you the tools YOU NEED to make money online, and to be successful. Regardless of how you want to make money online you need to know how to sell it, where to sell it, and how to run your business. This is how I learnt ALL of that, and grew to the position I am in today.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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