UPDATE: Digital Altitude has been shut down by the FTC. Aspire Today was a scam (as I suggested). Read the review and find out what you can learn from this case study.
Welcome to my Aspire Today review. Have you come across Aspire Today and are wondering if it is legit? Or do you simply want to know if its a scam. Aspire Today is a program that markets itself for its high returns, and low work effort required. In fact they claim with just 30 minutes of work a day you can make up to $7,000 and quit your day job.
For those of you thinking it sounds too good to be true, you could be on to something. Regulars of Affiliated Success would know anything that claims to make exceptional returns for little or no work is almost certainly a scam. Get rich quick schemes just don’t work. You know why? Because there are none. You need to do work to grow your online business and especially if you want any chance of creating a passive income stream.
If you are looking for a way to start your journey, and are sick of being scammed and searching I will cut to the chase before we dive into the review. To successfully make money online you need to have the skills to market and grow an online business. End of story. It doesn’t matter what you sell if you don’t know how to sell it or market you won’t make money.
If you understand that you need to work to make money online. You need to be committed to set up an online business to eventually earn you a passive income, then read on. If you want to make money fast, and lots of it, this isn’t for you.
Below is my number 1 recommendation for making money online. It will teach you the tools YOU NEED to make money online, and to be successful. Regardless of how you want to make money online you need to know how to sell it, where to sell it, and how to run your business. This is how I learnt ALL of that, and grew to the position I am in today.
A lot of people say, “Someday I will get to that.” Make that some day, today. If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
>>>> Check Out My Number 1 Recommendation For Making Money Online <<<<
Aspire Today Review
Aspire Today is apparently a system that will help you make “More money in 30 minutes a day than most people make working a full time job”.
The $7,000 I mentioned at the beginning is the top level of commissions you can earn from 1 sale selling this program.
That’s the thing, the system here is to simply recruit other people into the Aspire network. The sales video focuses on what you will do in their program, and the products you can sell, but not actually what this “system” is.
Aspire Today is a product created by Digital Altitude, one of many they have and is their digital business training system. As we will soon discover the business training is just a how to guide for selling Aspire today – not much value for money here.
So who is behind it all?
Michael Force The Man Behind Digital Altitude and Aspire Today
Michael Force is the owner of the business behind Aspire today, Digital Altitude. A former US marine, Michael has spent the last 15 years in online business. He is a self proclaimed digital business expert offering training to tens of thousands across the world, and booking speaking gigs from time to time.
At the age of 27 he built his first multi million dollar business, and now he is the owner of a MLM company that has been shut down by the FTC? Wait what? Yes you read that right, the FTC shut down Digital Altitude.
In fact the FTC handed him a $54 million bill and stripped him of all his assets. This is the outcome of the FTC suing both Digital Altitude and Michael for committing fraud and scamming consumers out of over $14 million dollars. He has been further banned from having anything to do with business coaching or investing.
So I think it is fair to say, before we take a close look, Aspire Today is, or was a scam!
What is Aspire Today?
When you visited the Aspire Today website you were greeted with this video, and the standard fake scarcity tag line.
The system has just two steps. Buy the product yourself, to earn commissions you need to have the product it is pay to play. You will then been given access on training around the products and how to market them.
You then promote the program that you just signed up to and pass on the leads to Digital Altitude to close. The reason this program was shut down was because it was the worst kind of affiliate program – if you can call it that. It was a recruitment driven multi-level marketing program, despite all their protests to this fact.
Essentially what this entails is, you buy the right to promote their products and the program. You then market the same opportunity to other people and recruit them into the program. They buy from you in order to earn commissions and do the same as you. This type of program can operate without any program at all really, because no one cares about it. The sales of the product are purely so you can sell it to other people to get commissions.
The FTC hate this, especially if you market it as a legitimate product. Where they undoubtedly came unstuck, other than running a MLM recruitment program was selling the dream of a program that can teach you to make massive amount of money online. Only to sell someone a product that tells them how to sell the very same product. False advertising is a massive red flag and is often how scammers come unstuck.
How You Make Money With Aspire Today
As I already suggested you make money with Aspire today by recruiting other people to sell the program. The more people you recruit, the more you have in your downline.
Above is a very simple explanation of an MLM downline. Aspire Todays downline goes 2 levels. What this means is you can recruit people, they will be your 1st tier. Then if they recruit people they become your 2nd, and then the people they recruit become your 3rd. You earn commissions from every sale these people make. Based on your membership level.
There are 3 membership levels. Detailed below, the higher your membership level the higher your commissions. As with the products, you cannot make commissions on the sale of a membership level you do not have. This is how they push everyone into the climber level.
Aspire membership levels:
- Walker – $37/month
- Hiker – $67/month
- Climber – $127/month
Once you have your Climber Level you then will push high end products, that are just place holders aka the product is useless, and people buy it, to sell it and earn money. I don’t think anyone was buying these products for the actual product.
These high end products start at $600 and go all the way to $27k (which earns you the $7k I spoke about earlier)
- Base – $595
- Rise – $1,997
- Ascend – $9,997
- Peak – $16,997
- Apex – $27,997
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
>>>> Check Out My Number 1 Recommendation For Making Money Online <<<<
Can You Make Money From Aspire Today?
Because of the recent action against Digital Altitude no you cannot, but the question really is can you make money from programs like this one. The answer is yes, but it is incredibly risky and depends on your moral compass.
Firstly as with any online business your sales will rely on traffic. If you are just starting out it will take months to develop a free traffic network with any value, if not years. So your only real avenue is paid traffic.
Imagine if you just bought the Apex package with dreams of selling it and earning massive $7k commissions. You now have a massive hole in your pocket and no chance of recouping your losses.
Even if this was a legit program it is INCREDIBLY expensive and HIGHLY risky to get involved in. But its not, it was shut down. You can learn from this its an amazing cautionary tale.
Aspire Today – Scam or Legit? The Verdict
You can learn from this – STAY AWAY FROM MLM RECRUITMENT PROGRAMS. Yes you can make money – A man by the name of Ankur Agarwal made millions promoting this program and many others like it. But you can also be left with the bill when it gets shut down, or simply exit scams and runs away with the money. ANd in Ankurs case you can damage your personal brand. Would you buy from someone who promotes a scam program that was shut down by the FTC?
I am not saying you shouldn’t, this is not a review of Ankur, I am sure he is legit and this was just one product he happened to promote. But I am just highlighting the damage it can do. In digital marketing and affiliate marketing your credibility and trustworthiness is powerful. Losing it is very costly.
So it is clear, Aspire Today was a scam, and you should learn from it. Any program that has the same earn marks as this one STAY AWAY FROM. A focus on their own product purely for “sell ability”. Legit companies are product first, affiliate program second. For longevity and legitimacy you want to partner with a program that has products that people ACTUALLY WANT TO BUY, without any knowledge of affiliate opportunities.
My Recommendation For Making Money Online
In order to make money online you need to have the skills and the marketing knowledge to set up your online business and to make sales. Ultimately if you chose a good product, the real driver will be your ability to sell.
That is why my number 1 recommendation for anyone wanting to make money online is a program that teaches you the skills you NEED to grow a profitable online business and eventually create yourself a passive income. Skills such as how to use paid advertising, what channels you can use to sell and how to effective communicate a good message for your product.
Needless to say if you sign up to this product I get a commission. That is how affiliate marketing works. But I never recommend a product that hasn’t helped me MAKE MONEY. I value my personal brand and credibility too highly. In fact this program has helped me make the MOST MONEY out of all the ones I have reviewed.
If you understand that you need to work to make money online. You need to be committed to set up an online business to eventually earn you a passive income, then read on. If you want to make money fast, and lots of it, this isn’t for you.
Below is my number 1 recommendation for making money online. It will teach you the tools YOU NEED to make money online, and to be successful. Regardless of how you want to make money online you need to know how to sell it, where to sell it, and how to run your business. This is how I learnt ALL of that, and grew to the position I am in today.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
>>>> Check Out My Number 1 Recommendation For Making Money Online <<<<