Looking for an honest Bitcoin Frontiers review? Or simply want to know if its a scam? Bitcoin Frontiers is a new system taking advantage of the cryptocurrency boom by offering cryptocurrency education. There are a lot of programs, schemes and systems at the moment in the cryptocurrency space scamming unsuspecting victims out of their money as they don’t understand it enough.
Will Bitcoin Frontiers end up being another crypto scam? Or is it a legitimate way for you to get into the cryptocurrency space and start investing intelligently. Read on and you will find out!
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Bitcoin Frontiers Review

So what is Bitcoin Frontiers all about? Before we jump into that, I thought it may be worthwhile giving you a brief intro into cryptocurrency for those who do not know anything about it.
Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that allows for fund transfers and payments without the involvement of banks. Most cryptocurrencies are decentralised and Bitcoin was the pioneer coin the the cryptocurrency space.
Created in 2008 by a man called Satoshi Nakamoto, who to this day remains anonymous, operates on Blockchain technology. Blockchain technology allows every transaction to be recorded making it virtually impossible to hack. Because it is decentralised, countless people across the world have access to this information, so to change it you would need to hack and change potentially millions of copies.
New Bitcoins are created every day through a process called mining. Mining is the back bone of the technology and allows for transaction to be processed and verified via solving complicated equations. This process then records all the information around the transactions onto the blockchain. By recording all transactions made it prevents transactions being remove, modified or tampered.
Since the boom of concurrency business and entrepreneurs are flocking to the new technology to create new business. Bitcoin Frontiers is one such business, hoping to sell education to would be cryptocurrency investors. So before we dive into the specifics, who is behind Bitcoin Frontiers?
Who is Behind Bitcoin Frontiers?
Bitcoin Frontiers was created by Franco Gonzalez and Clay Montgomery in February 2019. The program is currently being promoted by several top influencers in the industry, and has appeared on multiple cryptocurrency news platforms such as Bitcoin Inside.
There is not much out there on Franco, and even less on Clay. Franco has his own Youtube Channel with nearly 3k subscribers, and seems to be fairly active in promoting affiliate programs, and now his own platform.
I think this is an opportunistic move into the cryptocurrency space to capitalise on the popularity in affiliate marketing platforms.. These guys clearly saw a gap on the market and have thought of a good system to fill it. To my knowledge there are no other, or definitely not very heavily marketed Affiliate programs focusing on Blockchain training.
With that being said, are they taking advantage of the hype, or is this a valuable training resource that can help you learn how to invest in cryptocurrency, and what to invest in. Lets take a look at the different options, and what you will get if you are to sign up.
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What Can You Learn With Bitcoin Frontiers?
There are currently two different offerings with Bitcoin Frontiers, a entry level course, then the mastery course for $350 and $1000 respectively.
Bitcoin Adventurer
The entry level program, this is the cheapest of the two, and is aimed at those who are complete novices in the cryptocurrency space. Below is a screen shot of what the program set up looks like – it is pretty basic.
There are 8 modules in this training course, and purchasing it is also your way of being able to gain commissions through their affiliate program. The modules are
- Intro to Bitcoin
- The Blockchain Explained
- What is cryptocurrency
- How to start investing and trading bitcoin
- Bitcoin Frontiers Adventurer coinmama
- Adventurer coin telegraph & coin desk
- Bitcoin Frontiers Adventurer Bitpay
The downside of this, being an entry level course that is an intro for the cryptocurrency novice, is that you need to have a wallet set up, and pay in Bitcoin. Being an intro course, it seems a little limiting having this requirement.
The cost of the program is $350 with $100 of this being your yearly affiliate program cost.
Crypto Mastery Level
When purchasing this packing you are basically paying for the privilege to join a private group of other crypto mastery members. Through this group Bitcoin Frontiers claim they will keep you up to date with the latest tradining informaiton, news and practical insights into making the correct investing choices.
This package also gives you the rights to resell the product for a 100% commission rate, which combined with the Bitcoin Adventurer product could net you a $1250 commission.
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Making Money With Bitcoin Frontiers?
To be honest, I feel this program’s main purpose is their affiliate program, with the education component being a secondary focus to give them a product to sell.
The business structure is incredibly simple, and the owners must be banking on volume game to make money themselves, with only $100 of the total $1350 worth of products going to the company.
Once you are an affiliate, and have purchased the Bitcoin Frontiers Bitcoin Adventurer program you will get access to the back office of the program.
The back office gives you access to the following
- Home: This shows you how to set up your autoresponders for marketing, and basically gives a simple guy how you can market the program.
- Products: Self explanatory where you will find your purchased courses.
- Marketing: Various capture based, with your own affiliate links to earn commissions.
- Team: The people who have signed up into the system with their contact information.
- Leaderboards: The top earns and how you rank against them
- Leads: A list of those who haven’t sign up yet but landed on your capture pages.
How do you make money? Like any other affiliate program, promotion to your audience.
Bitcoin Frontiers – Scam or Legit? The Verdict
Bitcoin Frontiers is not a scam, but I do not believe it has much value other than simply promoting the affiliate program to others. This type of affiliate marketing is one I urge people to stay away from, simply because there is not really a product behind it. In essence you are just moving money around. Selling a program to others who want to sell the program.
I cannot see this program being a valuable training tool. The information presented in the first course is very basic, and can be found for free on literally hundreds of websites. There really isn’t anything special, or insightful about it.
I can definitely see potential to make money here, but because the product you are selling is so underwhelming, your chances of selling it will diminish with each sale as word spreads of its lack lustre information.
To be honest I don’t think this one will be around for long. It is make by internet marketers who saw a way to couple the latest buzz industry with an affiliate marketing program. So then how can you make money online? What does a good affiliate program look like?
How Do You REALLY Make Money Online?
As I suggested earlier, the Bitcoin Frontiers program is a sub par affiliate program as it lacks a good quality product and hence will not have longevity. When looking for an affiliate program you want to ensure the program can stand on its own. And the company has a focus on that product, rather than their affiliate program.
Fortunately, through all my reviews, I have found the BEST program that ticks all these boxes.
To make money online you need to have a good understanding of marketing, and how to actually make sales. This is a program that focuses on just that – marketing online businesses.
Now be warned this is not a get rich scheme and will require you to commit and do some work. So, if you are not willing to invest in yourself, and build your own online business this opportunity is not for you.
But if you know it takes time to build a passive income source then this is for you. Countless people have used this training to earn enough money to quit their day jobs and focus solely on their online business.
My number 1 recommendation for anyone wanting to make money online will help you develop the skills you need to succeed in any business stream. There are no silver bullets or magic pills to success, but there are shortcuts. And that is the right knowledge and skills. The quicker you learn the right tools the faster you will be a full-time online business owner.
This program is the entire reason I am where I am today. It has helped me make the MOST money out of any of the programs I have reviewed.
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