Looking for an honest Click2Sell review? Or simply want to know if it’s a scam? Click2Sell is, as described by the company, “a self-service online marketing platform that provides its members with powerful, easy-to-use and unique tools for participating in the online advertising revolution and becoming successful online marketers.”
So essentially what we are looking at here is a marketing platform to help you make money online, whether it be with a business selling products through drop shipping, affiliate marketing or any other type of online business.
These type of programs commonly target would be online business owners under the guise of making things easier and are often “done for you” that will help you make fast money. No work. The fact of the matter is that get rich quick schemes just don’t work. Will this program help you massively grow your revenue? I am very sceptical!
But before we take a look, if you are tired of searching, being scammed and just want to start your online business with the right information you HAVE to check out my number 1 recommendation. Making money online requires time and effort. But with the right skills and knowledge you can shortcut the time it takes to build your profitable business. If you are willing to invest in yourself, and to put in the effort to grow an online business then this program IS FOR YOU. In fact my number 1 recommendation has helped me make the MOST money online out of any programs I have reviewed.
If you are serious about making money online, and not just searching for a get rich quick scheme you HAVE to check it out. Invest in yourself and change your financial future now.
Sign up and start building a PROFITABLE online business TODAY!
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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Click2Sell Review
Click2Sell is a program that claims to be able to help you earn money online with advertising banners. They have a variety of packages, and its as simple as signing up, launching a campaign and letting the money flow.
As someone who has spent a lot of money on paid advertising, and wasted a lot in my early days, I can tell you making money with paid advertising is no easy task. This is probably why this program can seem so enticing to many novice online marketers.
The site claims to to be a revolutionary new way to earn money through done for you advertising. If this really is a new system, then it could be a great money maker. With that said what is Click2Sell about? How will they deliver on these claims and help YOU make money online? Lets take a closer look.
What’s Click2Sell All About?
Click2Sell’s website gives you the ability to create, launch and manage advertising campaigns through their website. This concept is nothing new and where Click2Sell try to separate themselves from others, is by providing “done-for-you” packages.
Immediately any done for you program rings alarm bells, and in the realm of advertising buying impressions and traffic is always incredibly risky. Unless you get a clear indication of where the impressions and traffic will come from, you have no way of verifying the quality of what you are buying. Traffic for the sake of traffic is useful for nothing other than vanity.
Often programs that sell by impressions utilise click farms to deliver the numbers promised. Click banks employ cheap labour to like, follow, view or click leads, videos and accounts on mass. Literally within 24hours you can have a video go viral, which sounds amazing, except no one has really seen it and it will have no impact on your revenue streams. In fact it can often be detrimental as many platforms actively ban those using such services.
Selling traffic is nothing new and I am yet to come across a program that I would recommend, as none every disclose without a doubt where the traffic is coming from. A similar program I reviewed recently was Traffic Ivy, and it also fell short. Whilst probably not a scam, it definitely wouldn’t have made your business explode. Assuming the traffic is all legit, how does it work? Once you sign up with Click2Sell how do you start your advertising and make money?
How Does Click2Sell Work?
The sales process for Click2Sell relies on emails, online advertising and one particulaurly misleading side, Ad Code

My full review goes into the countless redflags, but for the purposes of this review, the incredibly alarming statement is the opening line on the landing page. “Guaranteed profits up to $5,000 per day or more starting today”. Nothing is guaranteed, and any program that claims it as far as I am concerned is definitely a scam.
From there you are redirected to the Click2Sell website and invited to create a free account – free? why not try it out! From there in order to achieve anything you have to spend money, and not a small amount.
Firstly you need to purchase a package, which will give you access to varying levels of support and done for you advertising banners.
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Below is a breakdown of all the packages and what they give you;
Starter – $250
For $250 the Starter package is the cheapest level you can purchase and will give you access to the following benefits;
- A 20% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $250 and get $300
worth of credit in your account - Weekly Market Reviews: Professional commentary that
can help inform your marketing decisions - Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating
the Click2Sell platform - Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid
background about the online advertising industry - Live Marketing Session: A personal session during which
a Click2Sell agent will help you setup a campaign
Silver Package – $1,000
For $1,000 the Silver package is quite a jump up from the starter package and only gets you and extra %5 welcome bonus. The Silver package will give you access to the following benefits;
- A 25% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $1000 and get $1250
worth of credit in your account - Weekly Market Reviews: Professional commentary that
can help inform your marketing decisions - Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating
the Click2Sell platform - Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid
background about the online advertising industry - Live Marketing Session: A personal session during which
a Click2Sell agent will help you setup a campaign
Gold Package – $5,000
This is things start to get really expensive. For $1,000 the Gold package essentially just gives you a little more support and a personal account manager. You will also get the following benefits;
- A 50% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $5000 and get $7500
worth of credit in your account - Weekly Market Reviews: Professional commentary that
can help inform your marketing decisions - Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating
the Click2Sell platform - Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid
background about the online advertising industry - Live Marketing Session: A personal session during which
a Click2Sell agent will help you setup a campaign - Personal Account Manager: You will be assigned an
Account Manager who you will be able to contact for
1-on-1 support - Beginner Academy Session: You will be able to join the
Click2Sell academy and receive in-depth instruction
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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Platinum Package – $10,000
For $10,000 the Platinum package is the first package that gives you access to the done for you banner ads along with the following benefits;
- A 75% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $10,000 and get $17,500
worth of credit in your account - Daily Market Reviews: Professional commentary that
can help inform your marketing decisions - Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating
the Click2Sell platform - Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid
background about the online advertising industry - Live Marketing Session: A personal session during which
a Click2Sell agent will help you setup a campaign - Personal Account Manager: You will be assigned an
Account Manager who you will be able to contact for
1-on-1 support - Advanced Academy Session: You will get exposure to
the advanced materials offered in Click2Sell’s academy - Limited Access to VIP Banners: You will gain access
to a set of banners that are reserved exclusively for
Platinum account holders
Diamond Package – $25,000
For $25,000 the Diamond package is the most expensive package on offer, and quite frankly the most outwardly over priced in my opinion. This package comes with the following benefits;
- A 100% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $25,000 and get $50,000
worth of credit in your account - Daily Market Reviews: Professional commentary that
can help inform your marketing decisions - Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating
the Click2Sell platform - Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid
background about the online advertising industry - Live Marketing Session: A personal session during which
a Click2Sell agent will help you setup a campaign - Personal Account Manager: You will be assigned an
Account Manager who you will be able to contact for
1-on-1 support - Pro Academy Session: You will get exposure to
the most advanced materials offered in Click2Sell’s
academy. - Unlimited Access to VIP Banners: You will gain
unlimited access to a set of banners that are reserved
exclusively for Diamond account holders. - Weekly Webinar: You will be invited to participate in a
weekly webinar with marketing professionals. - Expedited Withdrawals: Your withdrawals will always
move the front of the withdrawal queue, ensuring that
you can receive your funds even faster than usual
So Click2Sell are marking up their traffic packages massively if they can offer the diamond users a 100% bonus. No one just hands away $25,000 credit for advertising without a catch. You then use all of this to purchase impressions, with the cheapest being %750 through the marketplace. Lets take a look at this, along with the entire back office.
The Click2Sell Back Office
Once you sign up to the Click2Sell site, you get access to the following back office and set of features.
At a top level campaigns is the action center, where you will buy your impressions in the marketplace, create campaigns and supposedly start earning you money. The guide is a 18 page PDF that just explains each section of the simple back office. It doesn’t provide any insights into the actual source of the impressions, or training.
Once you click through to the market place you are presented with a niche list to help you target your interest area. You simply select the niche, review the campaigns and select which one you like. Preview just shows you the screen you can already seen in the marketplace, along with the duration of the campaign and the budget.
Essentially you are purchasing some impressions, hopefully not with the ads shown as they are horrible, with no idea of the traffic. The only indication on targeting is a very generic description such as “Targeting: Mobile Rectangle”.
You can also do all your account management, view account transactions, upload payment details and process your withdraws. For a program that offers such an incredibly high priced package you would expect something a little bit more impression. But perhaps this is the point – very simple point, click, collect money.
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Whats In It For Click2Sell?
Firstly obviously Click2Sell are massively inflating the cost of their advertising, this is how they make the bulk of their money. Cash up front for advertising that you may never spend, after your initial campaign fails to land results.
According to the FAQ Click2Sell charges a commission on every sale you make using their advertising:
What is a Sale?
A Sales refers to an instance where an individual who sees your ad goes on to make a purchase of the product being advertised. Click2Sell is configured in such a way that all of the steps along the purchase cycle – from seeing the ad, to clicking the ad, to making a purchase – are tracked. In this way, when an individual makes a purchase, this purchase is recorded and the merchant (seller of the product being advertised) is automatically charged by Click2Sell a commission (some percentage of the product’s price). Whenever a Sale is made because of one of your ads, you will receive a commission from the Sale. The amount of the commission varies widely depending on the category and the product being advertised.
The last line states that the commission value varies widely upon a few variables. I have not been able to definitively confirm the amounts by from the looks of it, the general consensus online is 15%. Which if you ask me is pretty shitty. You are packing $1,000 for advertising and then on top of that have to pay Click2Sell 15% of your revenue.
So what with all of this in mind, what do I think. Is this an overpriced service that might work and make you money? Read on.
Click2Sell – Scam or Legit? The Verdict
Click2Sell in essence is marketed through a scammy website, Ad Code, with promising of a guaranteed $5,000 pay day. You are then expected to pay upfront incredibly large amounts of money for advertising impressions that you have NO IDEA of the quality. Finally all of your sales revenue flows through Click2Sell and you can only withdraw your fund when you submit very personal KYC Documents, including utility bills, drivers licenses and passports.
This is all legit, KYC is becoming common place online, but couple that with the next to no information on who is behind Click2Sell and complete lack of transparency, I would be very sceptical about handing this information over, and even more sceptical about the withdraw process. Especially considering the $25,000 package as a “expedited withdraw” benefit. How long do normal accounts take?
The fact of the matter is that Click2Sell is selling non verified traffic, with fairly lack lustre advertising – in fact I think it is horrible if their campaign examples are anything to go on. The site leaves more questions that answers. Where are they advertising? Who are they advertising through? How do we confirm conversions? The lack of information itself is enough to drive me away.
Add to this the program firstly markets a “Guaranteed $5,000 today” payday, then in their FAQ states that there is no such thing as guaranteed profits before then stating if you run a campaign you are guaranteed to make profits.
The verdict is pretty clear cut here, I believe Click2Sell is a %100 scam, and will not generate you ANY profits. My recommendation is clear STAY AWAY FROM Click2Sell!!
Disappointed? You were hoping to launch your online business with this program, or boost profits of your existing business? Read on for my number 1 recommendation for making money online!
How Do You REALLY Make Money Online?
As I always say to anyone wanting to learn how to make money online, it really isn’t that difficult. It just takes time, and consistent effort. Unfortunately many people entering into the industry simply are not willing to do deal with either.
I started Affiliated Success with the hope of sharing what I had learnt, and making sure others don’t make the mistakes I did. In learning how to make a successful online affiliate business I came across countless scams. You do not need too!
Despite it taking time, there are things you can do to “shortcut” your way to a profitable online business. When I started out, I jumped from program to program not really getting any traction. It wasn’t until I discovered this that I truely started to build my business. This program is the entire reason I am where I am today. It has helped me make the MOST money out of any of the programs I have reviewed.
If you understand that you need to work to make money online. You need to be committed to set up an online business to eventually earn you a passive income, then read on. If you want to make money fast, and lots of it, this isn’t for you.
Below is my number 1 recommendation for making money online. It will teach you the tools you NEED to make money online, and to be successful. Regardless of how you want to make money online you need to know how to sell it, where to sell it, and how to run your business. Enrol today, take the first step and learn the shortcuts to business success from people who KNOW what they are doing.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you. Sign up and start your journey TODAY:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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