Have you heard of CTFO (Changing The Future Outcome)? Are you looking for a CTFO review or just want to know if its a scam? Affiliated Success can answer those questions an more!
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So what is CTFO? And do they have a legitimate business opportunity, or is it just another scam. Lets take a look.
CTFO Review
CTFO is a US based network marketing company that claims to have the best CBD oil products on the market. CBD stands for cannabidiol which is purported to have numerous medicinal uses such treating chronic pain, reducing inflammation. It has also been reported to help with sleep disruption associated with chronic pain.
Derived from cannabis it is one of 113 cannabinoids in cannabis plants, accounting for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. However unlike THC it has not intoxicating effects and does no induce any psychoactive reactions.
So what does this have to do with do with CTFO, and better still how is it an opportunity for you to make money? Lets take a closer look at CTFO and find out!
Who Is Behind CTFO?
CTFO is a company founded by Stuart Finger his bother the acting CEO Steve Finger and Michael Khan. The company focuses on selling high value CBD Hemp oil products. As a network marketing company, CTFO offers what most would immediately see as a multi level marketing opportunity reminiscent of AMWAY.
Prior to the launch of the company, it was originally called Chew The Fat Off. A Multi Level Marketing company founded in 2015, it would appear they didn’t do too well, and shifted focus.
According to the CTFO website, Stuart Finger has been a successful network marketer and company owner since 1989. It goes on to speak loosely of him attaining high positions in these companies, and successfully Running businesses with no mention of who they are.
Digging a little further it would appear the business he ran was Guided By God (GBG), which also involved Steve Finger & Michael Khan. Guided by God was a MLM supplement company with apparently no retail arm, you got the product to become an affiliate.
Steve Finger by CTFOs own accounts, has over 35 years experience in sales and marketing and “Among his endeavors, he devised a way to market fashion watches at convenient stores which ordinarily did not carry such items.” Which really seems like an oddly worded achievement to put in a company bio, but apparently this enabled him to gain 700 accounts in one year across 5 states. In 1996 he co-founded International Teamworks Inc with his brother, which I’m unsure what they actually did, before starting Good New Roofing in 2009.
Michael Khan bio offers nothing more than the insights of him being a self employed business owner with multiple businesses.
So it appear MLM companies run in their genes, albeit unsuccessful ones. So what are they selling?
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The CTFO Products
There are many documented medical benefits of CBD oil, with a significant rise in popularity this is definitely a growth market. The cannabis industry is attracting a lot of legitimate investors, contributing to a rise in high growth start ups.
The question is, can you capitalize on this market yourself by selling products through CTFO. Or is this just a pyramid scheme? I personally have never used CBD oils, so if you are looking for a review of the quality of their products, I would suggest looking for a more qualified authority. My experience is in affiliate marketing after all!
The CTFO product line up has quite a diverse range with various creams, drops, and edibles all rich in CDB oils. With all products, according to CTFO having absolutely no THC, making them completely legal in the US and Canada.
Changing The Future Outcome sells a range of CBD products which fit into FOUR main product categories:
- CBD for health – including CBD oil drops and CBD creams that are focus on improving general health and wellness. The reported benefits are increasing your energy levels, decreasing anxiety, improving digestion and boosting your immune system.
- CBD for anti-aging. – this range comprises of 15 individual products focusing on skin rejuvenation and hair treatments. Everything you would expect in an “anti-aging” range.
- CBD for nutrition – consisting of a range of CBD based edibles, nasal sprays and capsules this range focus’s on weight loss, reducing stress and generally helping to improve your mental and physical well being.
- CBD for pets – Treats, drops, sprays and even CBD infused shampoo aimed at reducing anxiety and helping your pets live a healthier life.
The CTFO product line up is certainly impressive, but are they legit? Reviews seem to be fairly positive, but I would suggest doing your own research.
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The CTFO Compensation Plan
Joining CTFO is 100% free. But as with any MLM (Multi Level Marketing) platform the finer details on commission scales and how you get paid can be quite confusing. I take that back, its very confusing and gave me a headache writing it – they have seemingly taken ever MLM commission scheme and bunched it into CTFO.
I will outline how much the commission scales are at the top level associate. To make it even more confusing on top of all their commission structures you are only eligible as you “rank up”. After explaining all the structures I will then outline the associate levels and what comes with them. So lets dive in – keep up if you can!
How to Make Money
There are four main ways you can earn within the Changing The Future Outcome compensation plan:
- Retail Commissions
- Unilevel Commissions
- Matrix Commissions
- Bonuses (Infinity bonus and Top Gun bonus pool)
Retail Commissions
Its a great sign in any MLM when there is a retail sales component that actually sells valuable products. You can either sell in person, or via your website. Earning retail commissions is all about selling the product itself, either in person or via your free replicated website.
The difference between the two, is in person you buy the product yourself wholesale from CTFO, then sell for retail price and get the difference. Online you simply get a 20% commission of what they refer to the commissionable volume. As a rule of thumb its half the retail price.
That is where it can become confusing or misleading for new affiliates. SO lets look at an example. When looking at the CTFO Price List you can see the first item ‘Pure Hemp CBD Oil Herbal Drops – 300 mg’, you will see it sells for $65.97.
- Selling in person – you buy the product for $49.97 and sell it for $65.97, so you make $16
- Selling online – they have assigned a commissionable value of $25, so you get 25% of that or $5.
So on pure numbers you would think selling in person is the way to go. Bu this requires a deep network, and you to hold stock on hand. Online you have a market of millions and no overhead. Ultimately its your decision but I would be selling online.
Does $5 a product entice you? It doesn’t entice me at all, its really a 7% commission on the retail price. They have just done some creative math to make the % figure a lot higher. Perhaps the other methods will fair better!
Unilevel Commissions

Unilevel Commission Structure
This commission structure is very common in MLM. You earn 20% commission on the example above. Anyone you refer you also get 20% commission on the CV of anything they sell.
Then the people you refer can go on to refer others, and they in turn refer others, which can continue to 5 levels deep. It can be hard to get your mind around, but basically anyone you refer you get 20%, and anyone they refer onward you get 4%.
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Matrix Commissions
Ok another commission matrix here as well, and now it gets even more confusing. This is a downline made up of everyone in the company, all affiliates. It is a 3 x 21 matrix, where you as an associate can have 3 people under you, and they can have 3 under them and so forth for 21 levels.

As you can see from the above, it very rapidly grows, by the 10th level there needs to be 88,572 people in CTFO, 11th 265,719 and so on. By the 21st level 15.69 billion people – so that will never happen!
You will have people above you, which will force people into you “downline”. So what does that mean for you in terms of money?
Here are the commissions you can earn from this income stream:
- 1% commission on the total CV generated within matrix levels 1-5
- 10% commission on the total CV generated within matrix levels 6 and 7
- 1% commission on the total CV generated within matrix levels 8-21
So you don’t earn all of the above, you get a % determinded by your associate level, and can earn commissions at only certain levels, until you level up.
On top of this there is something called Profit sharing positions, which involves starting a different matrix, just because lets make this thing 9000 levels deep with 10 000 matrices!!
On to the bonuses, maybe that will be simple to explain to you!
There are two bonus pools, one called the Infinity Bonus Pool and another called the Top Gun Bonus Pool.
Infinity Bonus Pool
Basically once you reach the level of ‘Vice President’ or onwards you qualify for commissions of all the total comissionable value generated from anyone in your team.
For example: If you are a ‘Senior Vice President’ ranked associate, you will earn a set 4% infinity bonus AND a 4% bonus of any CV generated within your matrix up to the next ‘Vice President’ ranked associate. At which point you would continue earning 4% commissions for CV generated under him or her.
Top Gun bonus Pool
The ‘top gun bonus pool’ is made up of 6% of ALL the CV generated within the entire company. And this amount, whatever it works out to be at the end of each month, is then distributed evenly to anyone who is qualified as a ‘top gun’ associate.
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What are the CTFO Associate Ranks
There are 12 different ranks you can achieve with CTFO, which is very common in any MLM company. Each rank determines how much commission you can earn, and how many levels you can earn it from. Below is a full breakdown of all the ranks
Free Associate
This is your status when you first join the company. Anyone can achieve this status and it allows you to earn retail commissions of 20% of the CV generated from any sales you personally make.
1st Level Manager
How to qualify:
- Personally enrol 1 qualified retail customer or associate
What you can earn:
- 20% commissions from level 1 of your unilevel downline
- 25% of total payable matrix commissions within levels 1-7
2nd Level Manager
How to qualify:
- Personally enrol 2 qualified customers or associates
What you can earn:
- 20% commissions from level 1 of your unilevel downline
- 4% commissions from level 2 of your unilevel downline
- 50% of total payable matrix commissions within levels 1-7
Senior Manager
How to qualify:
- Personally enrol 3 qualified customers or associates
What you can earn:
- 20% commissions from your level 1 unilevel downline
- 4% commissions from levels 2 and 3 of your unilevel downline
- 100% of payable matrix commissions within levels 1-7
Executive Manager
How to qualify:
- Personally enrol 4 qualified customers or associates
What you can earn:
- 20% commissions from your level 1 unilevel downline
- 4% commissions from levels 2, 3 and 4 of your unilevel downline
- 100% of payable matrix commissions within levels 1-14
Vice President
How to qualify:
- Personally enrol 5 qualified customers or associates
- Maintain at least $25,000 in personal team monthly volume (total sales volume within your unilevel downline)
What you can earn:
- 20% commissions from your level 1 unilevel downline
- 4% commissions from levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 of your unilevel downline
- 100% of payable matrix commissions within ALL 21 matrix levels
- 4% infinity bonus commissions
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Senior Vice President
How to qualify:
- Same as Vice President, but with $50k in personal team monthly sales volume
What you can earn:
- 20% commissions from your level 1 unilevel downline
- 4% commissions from levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 of your unilevel downline
- 100% of payable matrix commissions within ALL 21 matrix levels
- Up to 8% infinity bonus commissions
Executive Vice President
How to qualify:
- Same as Vice President, but with $100k in personal team monthly sales volume
What you can earn:
- 20% commissions from your level 1 unilevel downline
- 4% commissions from levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 of your unilevel downline
- 100% of payable matrix commissions within ALL 21 matrix levels
- Up to 12% infinity bonus commissions
Presidential Director
How to qualify:
- Become an active and qualified Executive Vice President and;
- Maintain 3 other active and qualified Executive Vice Presidents on separate unilevel legs
What you can earn:
- 20% commissions from your level 1 unilevel downline
- 4% commissions from levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 of your unilevel downline
- 100% of payable matrix commissions within ALL 21 matrix levels
- Up to 13.75% infinity bonus commissions
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Senior Presidential Director
How to qualify:
- Become an active and qualified Presidential Director and;
- Maintain 3 other active and qualified Presidential Directors on separate unilevel legs
What you can earn:
- 20% commissions from your level 1 unilevel downline
- 4% commissions from levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 of your unilevel downline
- 100% of payable matrix commissions within ALL 21 matrix levels
- Up to 15.5% infinity bonus commissions
Executive Presidential Director
How to qualify:
- Become an active and qualified Senior Presidential Director and;
- Maintain 3 other active and qualified Senior Presidential Directors on separate unilevel legs
What you can earn:
- 20% commissions from your level 1 unilevel downline
- 4% commissions from levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 of your unilevel downline
- 100% of payable matrix commissions within ALL 21 matrix levels
- Up to 19% infinity bonus commissions
Top Gun
How to qualify:
- Become an active and qualified Executive Presidential Director and;
- Maintain 3 other active and qualified Executive Presidential Directors on separate unilevel legs
What you can earn:
- 20% commissions from your level 1 unilevel downline
- 4% commissions from levels 2, 3, 4 and 5 of your unilevel downline
- 100% of payable matrix commissions within ALL 21 matrix levels
- Up to 19% infinity bonus commissions
- An equal share of 6% of the total CV generated company wide each month
CTFO – The Verdict. Scam or Legit?
CTFO to me is not a scam. They are selling a real product, that is reasonably priced and with enough commitment and hard work over time you can earn a decent amount of money.
Having said that, as with all MLM companies it takes a lot of work, and time to get to any level of earning. The reason the commission matrices are so complicated, with ranks determining how much you earn entices you to recruit more people.
It also makes it easier to present the “massive potential” for making “easy money” but in reality most people make very little money in MLM. Whether its the business or they just were looking for a get rich scheme is up for debate.
You wont make much money selling the product, you need to recruit. Which means massive commitment in online marketing, and generating traffic.
Whilst the verdict is this isn’t a scam, my personal recommendation is to stay away from this one. I have tried out many MLM opportunities and they are incredibly hard work, and generally not much income generated.
On top of that you are competing across everyone else selling the EXACT same products, in a niche market.
Make no doubts about it you can MAKE MONEY FROM HOME. There are just far easier, and less complicated ways to do it. So I am going to recommend something that ACTUALLY WORKS.
Below you can find my number 1 recommendation which I rated number 1 out of all the platforms I have personally reviewed and tried so you didn’t have to.
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