Looking for an honest Jeffrey’s Fast Lane review? Or simply want to know if it’s a scam? Jeffrey’s Fast Lane claims to be able to help you instantly start making $250 per day just by copying Jeffrey’s site.
Yep, we have another copy and paste scheme here and I’m sure we will find out its another scam! Copy and paste programs, or done for your programs are very common in the online money making community. This is because they seem like an incredibly easy way to make money. Just copy something that works and you’ll start bringing in the cash!
But unfortunately it is never the case. As I discovered with Best Easy Work, Affiliate Advisor Group, 12 Minute Affiliate, Profit Point Autonomy, Cash Formula….the list is endless and they all turned out to be worthless programs that would not make you any money. Unfortunately get rich quick schemes never work, and only help the creators get rich leaving you with empty pockets.
Will Jeffrey’s Fast Lane break the trend? I highly doubt it! Before we jump you if you are tired of being scam and wasting your time with programs like this and just want to get started making money online you HAVE to check out my number 1 recommendation. Making money online is actually pretty simple, as long as you are committed and put in the work. It takes time to build, just like any business, but with the right advise you can start ahead of the pack and shortcut your way to financial success.
If you are prepared to invest in yourself and put in the effort this is for you. In fact my number 1 recommendation has helped me make the MOST money online out of any programs I have reviewed. If you are serious about making money online, and not just searching for a get rich quick scheme you HAVE to check it out. Invest in yourself and change your financial future now.
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Jeffrey’s Fast Lane Review Review
Jeffrey’s Fast Lane is a program created using the same template and structure as virtually all the other copy and paste programs I have reviewed. In fact it is so similar it wouldn’t surprised me if it was created by the same people who have made all the other programs out there like this. They simply copy and paste, their copy and paste program and re-brand it! More money for there, more victims will empty pockets.
Jeffrey’s Fast Lane relies on all the same marketing tactics are the other programs to try and get you hooked, excited despite the complete aspects of any facts about the program. FOMO or fear of missing out, is something used in virtually all scams. They make you feel like you are SPECIAL and lucky to come across the opportunity. But you have to be QUICK because there are only limited spots. yet somehow if you just refresh the page the spots never dwindle, and if there is a timer it restarts….does that just mean they NEVER sell anything? I would like to think.
This program also uses real news clippings about similar topics so they appear to be able Jeffrey’s Fast Lane. The clippings are completely real, from reputable news channels but have nothing to do with the program and are taken completely out of context. ABC, FOX and CNN have never heard of Jerry or his program!
With that said, what is Jeffrey’s Fast Lane about? Can it deliver on its claims, or at the very least teach you something to get you start? Lets take a closer look!
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What is Jeffrey’s Fast Lane About?
Jeffrey’s Fast Lane is an apparent done for you e-commerce program. The claim is by simply copying the websites “Jeffrey” provides to you, and following the system you can instantly start making $250 a day. The program utilises a well known e-commerce practise known as drop shipping.
Drop shipping is a widely used method for setting up quick and low cost e-commerce stores. The premise is quite simple. Connect buyers to the merchants and collect the money on the way through. You are essentially a broker, or a middle man of these sales. The benefits of using such a methodoligy include:
- Low over heads – you do not need to carry or hold any inventory
- Shipping and logistics is handled by the merchant, you simply hand off the sale
- Customer service and returns are also handled by the merchant
- You can quickly change with the latest trends or niches by adding new products in minutes by connecting with new vendors.
Generally drop shipping businesses use platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce and BigCommerce to name a few.
Similar to the way platforms such as Weebly and SquareSpace make it easy to set up and run a website, these platforms are designed to make e-commerce easy. So the question remains, why would someone new to e-commerce not use these platforms? They actively try and help you succeed with free tutorials, automations and great plugins as they have a vested interest in your success. The more success you have, the more business they get.
Jeffrey’s Fast Lane must have a pretty special website to draw anyone away from known, well established platforms such as these. There are benefits to running a stand along website, but when you are new, these are generally outweighed by the support and guidance they offer. So can it actually delivered? How does it work and what do you get? Read on!
What Does A Jeffrey’s Fast Lane Membership Get You?
Once you have made your way through the hyped sales video, past the fake news reports, huge income claims in the testimonials and everything but what the program is about you will be taken to the sales page.
The program has a marketed value of $1595 but you can get it for just $37! I always find it incredibly interesting and sometimes comical the values the creators of these programs place on elements in their programs.
As you can see from the picture for $37 you will receive;
- A Pre-Built E-commerce Website & Store ($1,000 Value)
- Full Access To 10 Hours of eCommerce Training Videos ($45 Value)
- Ready To Go Out Of The Box- Just Give Us A Call And We’ll Set Everything Up ($450 Value)
- 24/7 Customer Support ($100 Value)
- Monthly Webinars + eBook of The Month Series (Your $250 Free Bonus)
This all comes with an apparently 60 day money back guarantee. This is hard to verify, and can be taken with a grain of salt. A lot of scam programs claim the same, but the refunds never come. The website is a sales funnel created using ClickFunnels, so there are a few different payment gateways they can use, such as Paypal and ClickBank. ClickBank does have a 60 day money back refund policy, but I don’t think it would apply in this case.
Along with all of this amazing value, you are also offered, at no cost, the “Elite Partnership” add on. This add on gets you the “VIP Elite Coaching Content”, which is name, “10 Ways To Drive Customers To Your Websites Without Being A Master Marketer” and A CD! They send you a CD in the mail. Super high tech stuff.
So you do get a lot of stuff, the question is, will the training be valuable and help you earn $250 a day? I know for a fact the website is useless for this. Regardless of how good a website is, it wont get you sales, or traffic. Let’s take a look at the red flags here first!
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My Home Cash Club Red Flags
Often when I review a program, before even looking at the quality of what they are offering I take a look at the obvious red flags. If a program is full of questionable marketing tactics, misleading content and scammy testimonials it immediately raises concerns about the program itself.
Fake Testimonials
The first thing that immediately popped out at me is the massively similarities between this program, and a recent program I reviewed, Affiliate Advisor Group. They have striking similarities. In fact they even use the SAME testimonial pictures which is either a massive coincidence, or they are run by the same people who are too lazy to even change their content to separate them from each other.
This immediately throws into question any validity of the testimonials, they are fake. In today’s day and age online testimonials do not carry much weight at all anyway, unless they are linked to verifiable social media accounts. The reason for this is it is now far too easy to pay someone to do a testimonial for you. A quick search on Fivver for video testimonial gigs show countless people willing to do video testimonials for as little as $5.
It is clear these testimonials are just paid actors, just like all the others scams use. Not a good start for Jeffrey!
Who is Jeffrey?
Any legitimate program will not hide the owners, or the company behind. The reason for this, is a great program provides even greater opportunities for future sales. Affiliate marketing, and e-commerce training programs are fuelled by credibility and the people behind it. If you can link yourself to a successful program that helps people, your personal brand becomes powerful. Then your future endeavours and programs carry that credibility with them.
People will be more inclined to buy your future programs, or up sells if you are trustworthy and have a well known brand. Look at Tony Robbins – one of the most successful business coaches in history. Just his name alone sells programs. No legitimate CEO or owner would want to distance themselves from a great program.
But wait you say, the owner is Jeffrey!? Yes lets take a look at that. Below we have an incredibly credible snippet from the owner, one of the more comical examples of marketing I have seen in some time. What even is the point of this?!
The website is registered to Ortiz Capital LLC, which doesnt give much insight into the owner, it is just another ClickFunnels website. When you check out it successed you are getting access to the EZ Money Team. That lead also goes no where and their website is horrible, looking like it was created in early 2000 for a high school project.
The final lead is the person email of the CEO himself. I finally discovered the CEOs last name “apparently”, Jeffrey Hart. Its like they didn’t even what to try and make it believable.
Jeffrey is clearly 100% made up. The only logical reason to make up an owner, is so you can easily take your scam money without repercussions.
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Get Rich Quick Scheme 101
In my opinion any program that promises fast money, and lots of it, completely loses all its credibility. Anyone who has been in e-commerce or affiliate marketing for a while knows that it takes time to scale a profitable business. In fact it took me over a month to make my first sale, when I started out. And Jeffrey’s Fast Lane tells you that you can make $250 every day, from day 1. Its just not possible.
The really concerning thing here, is Jeffrey’s Fast Lane takes it one step futher. Most scams, and dodgy programs hype up the income claims. They walk to fine line between telling you that you WILL make that money, and simple stating it in a way that suggests you will, but they are not promising anything. Jeffrey’s Fast Lane goes right out and GUARANTEES you will make money TODAY.
Below is a screenshot of a sales pop up for the program. Jeffrey’s Fast Lane has through the rule book in the bin! Who cares about being slightly misleading, they just straight out lie. This has lawsuit all over it…if you can catch them.
Will You Make Money With Jeffrey’s Fast Lane?
The question on everyone’s mind, is will you make money with Jeffrey’s Fast Lane. Yes the marketing is very questionable, and the program is full of red flags, but if you walk away from it with heavier pockets who cares right?
You will receive basic training from Jeffrey’s Fast Lane on how to set up your eCommerce store and get started on building your online business. But it is nothing revolutionary and definitely not a “system” that will help you earn $250 a day instantly. At the end of the day, most of what is on offer here can be found online for free. As I said early all the ecomm sites have in depth training and support to help you succeed, such as Shopify’s tutorials.
So this program might teach a newbie some skills and help them gain a better understanding into how to set up a drop shipping businesses. But you won’t be making money because of it. It is nothing new, revolutionary or really anything insightful other than just telling you what drop shipping is and how to set it up. With that said, lets put this one to bed.
Jeffrey’s Fast Lane – Scam or Legit? The Verdict.
Jeffrey’s Fast Lane is not a scam in the true sense of the word. You do get some training, and products for your money. However it is incredibly misleading, with false advertising, fake income claims and testimonials, along with guaranteeing you will make money. That to me makes it a scam.
This program will more than likely con a lot of newbies to the industry and leave them burnt and disillusioned. Not necessarily because they didn’t learn anything, but more because they were guarantee they would make money instantly, and $250 a day at that. With that type of starting line it is hard to stay focused and committed when you instantly start making NOTHING.
I hope these types of programs, because they purposely provide something type of training and product for your money so they can claim not to be a scam. You didn’t make $250 a day instantly? That’s your fault not the program. Look at everyone else who is making money.
The verdict is clear. Jeffrey’s Fast Lane is a program to STAY AWAY FROM. I do not recommend Jeffrey’s Fast Lane. So what do I recommend for anyone wanting to make money online? Read on and find out!
How Do You REALLY Make Money Online?
Drop shipping can be a really profitable way to make money online. Many people create a full time living from running e-commerce sites and live a very luxurious lives at that. For me, I make my money with Affiliate Marketing. Same “concept” find buyers for a product. But even simpler – all products are digital.
Regardless of how you choose to make your money, what your business model is, they all rely on the same thing. Finding buyers. Getting traffic. And this truly is an art. Where you you advertise. What gets the most cut through? How do you convert. Paid advertising is a mammoth that can cost a lot of money if you do it wrong. Then there is free avenues – how do you capitalise on SEO and social media?
If you understand that any online business requires time, and a committed consistent effort to scale, then read on. If you want to earn money immediately with little work – you will be searching for a long time, and be scammed countless times.
I get countless people reaching out to me, asking how I make my money, and how I started. And to be honest I started the wrong way. I thought I knew it all, I could just google everything and do it better than everyone. Which maybe I could have, eventually. But very quickly I realised I could fast track, and shortcut my way to financial success with a little help from the experts.
Below is my number 1 recommendation for making money online. It will teach you the tools YOU NEED to make money online, and to be successful. Regardless of how you want to make money online you need to know how to sell it, where to sell it, and how to run your business. This is how I learnt ALL of that, and grew to the position I am in today. Enrol and learn the shortcuts to business success from people who KNOW what they are doing.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you. Sign up and start your journey TODAY:
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