Looking for an honest Postal Jobs Source review? Or simply want to know if it’s a scam? Postal Jobs Source is a website going around that promises to help you secure well paying US postal jobs with great benefits. Most people come across the site view an email, inviting you to apply for a job.
Whilst email recruitment is not unheard of, emailing people out of the blue, with no association to the job or who are not even looking is quite odd. Recruitement agencies these days typically use referral networks, linked in, and job search sites to find applicants – email marketing is not one of their tools.
With that said, the method may be slightly unorthodox but that does not necessarily mean it isn’t a legit service. Could US Postal Jobs Source help you land a great job, with excellent pay and benefits? Seems like a rather odd path for a scam? Lets take a closer look and uncover the truth!
But before we take a look, whether you are employed or not, most of us are always looking for ways to make more money. And starting an online business is a great opportunity as long as you are prepared to put in the work and gain the knowledge you need to succeed.
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I have reviewed a lot of make money online scams, affiliate marketing programs, recruitment multi-level marketing (MLM) programs. But this is the first program I have come across that is promoting jobs at a well known and legit company. I would like to think this isn’t a scam, but many scams have used the same tactic. By positioning themselves with trusted well known brands they appear more authentic.
Take for example Real Online Profits, Point To Click Profits, Cash Website Success and Tesler System. All exuding Tesler Sytem, which vaguely try and associated with Tesla by using a similar logo and using the phonetics of the name, use Amazon. Some even actively promote job opportunities within Amazon, very similar to what Postal Jobs Source is doing. All the Amazon opportunities turned out to be scams, so I am immediately sceptical of Postal Jobs Source.
At a cursory glance Postal Jobs Source’s marketing takes you to various job listing sites, such as job-motor.com, and present you with seemingly real US Postal Service job listings. So one would have to assume that perhaps they are a recruitment agency collecting commissions on every job they fill. At first glance it all seems to be plausible and perhaps a valid offering, but lets take a closer look to uncover what its really all about.
Who is Behind Postal Jobs Source?
Whenever I review a program, system or any product I always like to start with looking at who is behind it. For obviously reasons scammers tend to like to remain anonymous, so you generally find the “owner” is a made up name, with stock images and no visible online presence. In today’s modern age it is very rare for someone to not have an online footprint and google makes it very easy to track people down.
The site itself doesn’t list a registered company or provide any sort of management bios. It does however offer an email form, phone number and two street addresses.
Now it doesn’t take a private eye to come up with the idea of googling these addresses listed as Postal Jobs Source locations. The first location comes up as a UPS store. I can’t drive there to verify what is actually at the location, so perhaps the site has just recently changed hands?
The second location also gives me as much confidence in the legitimacy of this offering as the first location, as it just appears to be an office block. Benefit of the doubt perhaps they forgot to add what suite that were in. Slightly plausible.
The disclaimer at the bottom of the website states;
Postal Jobs Source is a division of Labor Services (www.usalaborservices.com)
When visiting the Labour Services website you are presented with a fairly lack lustre site that someone could throw together in 10 minutes. Their addresses are the same, however they list the UPS site as their mailing contact.
Labour Services apparently have been around since 1996, and all their job listings just direct you to a Postal Jobs Source page, all identical sites with slight variations at the end of the URL such as the below;
Call me skeptical, but when looking into the Labor Services site it was registered in 2017. Whois.com is a website you can search for various bits of information on domains such as when they were registered and who hosts them.
Perhaps Labor Services were late to join the modern age? Either way the negatives of Postal Jobs Source keep stacking up. Add to that Labor Services also list no management, or company details and its not looking good! So whats it all about any way?
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
In its own words Postal Jobs Source is a Postal Jobs Source is a private employment service that offers assistance in gaining employment and is not affiliated with the USPS, US government, it’s agencies or affiliates.
So as I suspected they are a private employment agency, which makes sense given their affiliation with Labor Services. The websites are slightly tailored to the career path you are interested in, such as mail processing, mail clerks and customer service. By slightly what I mean is the title of job changes, and one paragraph in the text changes that illustrates what this role would generally involve.
Each site has a sales video, where a lady lists all the benefits of jobs with the US Postal Services. Benefits such as great pay (around $56,700 per year on average) and job security, medical and dental insurance, paid vacation, sick leave and a retirement plan.
She then goes into the requirements to be eligible. As long as you are a US citizen (or have a green card), are at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED you are eligible. USPS offers paid on the job training so you do not need any experience.
The website then goes into the hiring processes, which requires you to take an exam to see if you are appropriate for the role. And that is where the hook is for Postal Jobs Sources. They will help you prepare for this exam and the entire hiring process…apparently.
The entire purpose of Postal Job Source isn’t really about recruitment per se, its about selling a package that may or may not help you get a job. The US Postal service is a massive company, they are always looking for workers so their statements will always remain true. So how much will it cost you, and what will it get you?
How Much is The Postal Jobs Source Registration Package?
When this program initially started it was $48, but since the time of writing it has dropped to $38. For $38 you will receive eveything you need to get the job including;
Complete Guide – A complete step by step guide to the Postal Service hiring process, including the application for employment
Personal Job Counselling – You will be provided with full access to personal job counselling for Postal Service employment
Sample exam questions AND answers – To make sure you are fully prepared, you will be given sample exam questions AND answers. You will be shown exactly what to review and how to review, so you can get the highest score possible
Full Access – to the entire list of Postal Service job openings in your area and nationwide
Salary Gradings – You will be given a list of salary gradings for all positions and the promotion potential from these positions
BONUS – You will be given a complete step by step guide on applying for employment with ALL other government agencies, including full access to ALL other government job openings in your area and nationwide
200% Full Refund Guarantee – You will receive a DOUBLE refund if you are not hired for any reason by the Postal Service within 90 days
The check out page is plastered with a money back guarantee and random “awards” such as “certified postal hiring review” – what does that even mean?! They also list an A+ Better Business Rating, implying they received that from the Better Business Bureau, but the site isn’t even on there.
The site does list, however, US Labor Services LLC, with the same address as Postal Jobs Source and those listed on the Labor Services website. The listing for US Labour Services LLC clearly states that they do not have a BBB rating, and has two complaints suggesting its a scam directly linked to Postal Jobs Source.
Postal Jobs Source Scam or Legit? The Verdict
I think it is pretty clear that Postal Jobs Source is just another opportunistic program trying to take advantage on those trying to find employment or who want to make a better life for themselves. The FTC warns of US Postal service scams stating;
These scammers advertise in the classified sections of newspapers or online and offer — for a fee — to help job seekers find and apply for federal and postal jobs. Some even try to hoodwink people by using company names that sound like federal agencies, like the “U.S. Agency for Career Advancement” or the “Postal Employment Service.”
On further review of the article Postal Jobs Source ticks every single box they warm about
Misleading names that suggest an affiliation to the USPS
Selling study materials to help pass exams
Advertising jobs that may not even be available in your area
Promising refunds if you are not employed
So what is the Postal Jobs Source verdict? Is it a scam or is it legit? I think its pretty clear at this point. Postal Jobs Source is 100% a scam. My recommendation is to STAY AWAY FROM POSTAL JOBS SOURCE.
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As I always say to anyone wanting to learn how to make money online, it really isn’t that difficult. It just takes time, and consistent effort. Unfortunately many people entering into the industry simply are not willing to do deal with either.
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