Looking for an honest Traffic Ivy review? Or simply want to know if its a scam? Traffic Ivy may be the answer to every online business owners dreams. Traffic. For anyone who has read my blogs on how to make money blogging with affiliate marketing or how to start affiliate marketing you would know the number one thing I suggest that is crucial to making a success business is traffic. If no one sees your offering or ads, then now one can buy – its that simple.
Now I strongly believe that traffic takes time. Depending on the strategies you employ the time line may be shorter than others. But none the less it does not happen over night. Because of this I am immediately sceptical of any product or company that sells traffic.
So will Taffic Ivy satisfy my concerns and squash my doubts? Or will it end up in a long list of products looking to scam hard working online business owners out of their money? Unfortunately my pessimistic outlook is well founded. Since starting Affiliated Success I have reviewed countless programs, and most are either scams, or not worth the money.
The problem is, everyone is trying to make it online.
It is so easy to sell the dream of getting rich quick. But the simple fact of the matter is, online business is like any other business – you need to work on it, and take the time to build it. Any program that tells you otherwise is only after your money.
To be successful you need to have the right skills to not only run your business but to market it and grow your revenue streams! My number one recommendation for anyone starting out is to do it right. Take the time to learn the skills you need, and invest in yourself. If you are serious about making money online, and not just searching for a get rich quick scheme you HAVE to check this out. Invest in yourself and change your financial future now.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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Traffic Ivy Review
For anyone who has a website, blog or social media channel you have more than likely come across traffic services. You may have even bought some of these service before. Traffic Ivy is a service that claim be a s”New Revolutionary Cloud Based SaaS Gets Guaranteed Real FREE Traffic Anytime You Want!”
For those of you who have never heard of the term SaaS it stands for software as a service. The number 1 issues with traffic services is the quality of traffic. Have yo ever seen an Instagram account with 1 post and 10,000 followers? Or what about a boring post with thousands of likes and you can’t figure out why.
Social media is ripe with paid traffic, and it is virtually useless. 98% of these services are powered by click farms. You purchase for example 10,000 likes on a post. Someone sits with 50, 100, 200 phones in front of them and clicks like from fake accounts continuously until you reach 10,000. Money well spend you got the likes!
But what did it achieve? It wont result in revenue, as they are not real customers. This traffic, likes or views is merely vanity numbers. Likes for the sake of likes, views for the sake of views.
So what we are here to determine is not whether Traffic Ivy can generate traffic for you – it can. It is to determine whether the traffic is valuable, or just for vanity sake. So first lets take a look at who is behind Traffic Ivy.
Who is the founder of Traffic Ivy?
For regular readers of Affiliated Success, you will know a public, visible owner is always a plus. Most scams make up a CEO or founder, provide limited information and use a stock image for their photo.
Cindy Donovan is very much a real person, with socials and a linked in profile. Now of course this could all be created as well for the purpose of scamming. But in the history of my reviews I have never come across a scammer with that much commitment!
Through her website Cindy promotes numerous products and tools provided by her company, WildFire Concepts. The company is a marketing focused business, focusing on providing tools to increase efficiency, provides and generally make marketing more profitable for their customers.
Cindy’s story goes, whilst undergoing treatment for breast cancer she embarked on her journey in online marketing. With zero knowledge she was able to build a million dollar business, bringing in over $600,000 in 2013 by her own admissions.
Cindy’s story is interesting, and her web presence promising. If we take it all on face value Traffic Ivy could be worthwhile. Traffic Ivy provides the ability to publish campaigns, fine tune SEO, and track and analyse your traffic. So how exactly does it work?
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How does Traffic Ivy work?
At its core the driving force behind the traffic generation that Traffic Ivy promotes is an active community. The idea of the services is all its users, bloggers, marketers, social media influencers unite and share each others content. If I share your content, you share mine. By sharing content other members earn points which they can then use to have their own content shared and promoted.
The software makes it easy to connect with other members and share your content within the network. Along with various traffic-building tools which can be used from within the back office.
Traffic Ivy allows you to connect content from blogs, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. In theory this could be a very effective way to build traffic. By leveraging other users established networks you could very quickly generate traffic you normally wouldn’t be able to get for a long period of time. The key to it working however is an active community, and people actually sharing content.
And that is the sticking point with Traffic Ivy. You are buying a service, that in its infancy would not be able to effectively provide what is advertised. As you can see from the below screenshot of the community statistics, it is small, with less than 250 blogs connected and 600 social accounts. With only 1400 members its no surprise that only around 1300 pieces of content have been shared.
The community aside, lets take a look at what you would be available to you if you decided to purchase Traffic Ivy.
Traffic Ivy Back Office
When you login, you will see the dashboard which looks like this:
It is from within this members area you can use all the Traffic Ivy Services, and start to build your traffic. From the members area you can access the following services:
- Marketplace – A content marketplace that allows you and other users to post content for sharing. Within the market place you can search for specific types of content relevant to your niche by using category filters. The listings allow you to see the content, and how much you will earn by sharing it.
- My Assets – from the my assets page you can connect your social media accounts to the Traffic Ivy software. Like many social media marketing management tools this allows you to easily share and manage your social media accounts from one portal. Supported social media platforms include YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Reddit.
- My Traffic Campaigns & Manage Ad Sets – This area allows you to create campaigns and your own content for others to share in exchange for rewards. You can also create ad content and ad sets for others to use on their platforms when sharing your content.
- Statistics – the statistic tabs as you can imagine provides all your campaign statistics, points earnt and spent, and all activity on the platform.
- Earn Traffic – This service allows you to install a plug in on your website to automatically share content from others to earn points. This can be set up to run in the background passively earning you points.
A fairly simple platform, but none the less as advertised, and not unnecessarily complicated which is a plus. So how much will it set you back? Lets take a closer look.
How Much Does Traffic Ivy Cost?
As you would expect from any affiliate marketing, online marketing or online making making tool, the platform comes with many upsells after you make the initial purchase.
Traffic Ivy works on a points system as previously discussed. You use points to pay other members to promote your content, in essence earning you traffic.
The first option is to buy once off quantities of points, which come in 3 different packages. Traffic Ivy clearly didn’t do their homework on the package costs. It is cheaper to buy the $9.97 package than the more expensive points packs, so where is the incentive to spend more?!
- $9.97 for 2,000 points
- 29.97 for 5,000 points
- 49.97 for 10,000 points
Traffic Ivy Pro Subscription
The other option is to buy a pro subscription which is essentially just a monthly allotment of points. Again the pricing for this is baffling at only $2 cheaper than the once off 10,000 point payment. Doesn’t instil me with much confidence in a marketing product, then the team promoting it are failing with Marketing 101. The two options are
- Gold Package – $27 per month granting you 5,000 points
- Platinum Package – $47 per month granting you 10,000 points
Now for the dreaded upsells.
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Traffic Ivy Kickstart Bundle — $97
This is an interesting upsell, as most people seeking or buying traffic services, already have a blog or site they wish to promote. The kick start bundle gets you a fully hosted WordPress site, built for you. The website comes with built in monetization and 5 “done-for-you” fully managed landing page systems.
This is almost surely just a themed WordPress site, and not anything impressive. There are literally thousands of themes and services to use for WordPress and website design. My first point of call wouldn’t be a traffic generation software company.
Traffic Ivy Agency — $197
For $197 you can create sub accounts. And share your points. Quite possibly one of the most overpriced and underwhelming upsells I have come across in my time. The premise is that you as the master account holder would create sub accounts for your clients. or team you manage and distribute points to them. Pretty expensive privilege.
Traffic Ivy Reseller — $297
As the same suggests you can resell Traffic Ivy, getting 100% of the sale commission. Which is great, if it was a valuable and amazing product.
So now we know how it works, how much it will cost and who is behind it. What is the verdict? Is it a scam?
Traffic Ivy – Scam or Legit? The Verdict
It is clear that Traffic Ivy is not a scam, and is infact a legitimate product. What Cindy and her team has created here is admirable, but falls short on the execution.
The fact of the matter is Traffic Ivy relies heavily on user participation and a large community, which seemingly it has neither. The majority of users sign up to get traffic for their site or business and are not interested in sharing your content. This mentality unfortunately doesnt foster a traffic building community through mutual sharing.
There is also no way of knowing the quaility of the traffic you can expect to earn. traffic for the sake of traffic wont earn you money. You need quality traffic, from the right networks.
Personally I have never been a fan of buying traffic, I don’t think it is valuable, and ultimately does not bring in the right visitors. You would be better investing your money in paid advertising on Google or other sites. This way you can target the RIGHT people and ensure you have a high conversion rate.
Online marketing is a great career if you do it right. You can earn a substantial living if you can master the skills to generate traffic and build deep networks. So how do you do it? Read on and I will tell you!
How Do You REALLY Make Money Online?
Fortunately making money online isn’t that hard. Regardless of how you do it, the process to start earning money online is quite simple.
But what is hard is staying committed, and being consistent when building your online business. The truth of the matter is nearly everyone I speak with who has failed at making money online hasn’t because they couldn’t, they failed because they wouldn’t.
They wouldn’t put the consistent effort in every day to grow their business. Invest in themselves and learn the skills they needed to actually be successful. At the end of the day it all comes down to work ethic. Making money online is the same as offline business. It takes time to grow. It won’t grow itself over night. You WILL need to do some work.
If you understand that you need to work to make money online. You need to be committed to set up an online business to eventually earn you a passive income, then read on. If you want to make money fast, and lots of it, this isn’t for you.
Below is my number 1 recommendation for making money online. It will teach you the tools YOU NEED to make money online, and to be successful. Regardless of how you want to make money online you need to know how to sell it, where to sell it, and how to run your business. This is how I learnt ALL of that, and grew to the position I am in today.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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