Looking for an honest Viral Dollars review? Or simply want to know if it’s a scam? Viral Dollars is a new system that claims to PAY YOU $25 to join and that you can make $500 a day! A new system I hear you ask?! Haven’t I already reviewed Viral Dollars? You must be thinking of Viral Pay the EXACT SAME program, just with a different name.
For those of you who have not had the privilege of readying the Viral Pay review, this “new” system is just a re brand of Viral Pay. In fact, I dare say it is run by the same people, with most of the back area looking identical.
Will this system make you any money? I have kind of given it away by telling you it’s just another system re branded. No. It’s a scam. If you would like to know why, you can read on.
To Those Who Only Want to Find A Way to Make Money
For those of you who were just looking for confirmation, you now have it, and even better I have something for you, so you don’t leave with nothing! You ultimately landed here searching for a way to make money online. Fortunately making money online is not that hard, if you are willing to commit some time, and effort to building your online business.
When I first started I was amazed at how simple it was. My now close friend said to me, “that’s the thing, it isn’t hard at all. It just takes TIME and consistent EFFORT and every just gives up”. So now you know what I knew when I started, are you prepare to stick to it and NOT give up?
If you are you will need a good training program, to teach you all the skills you NEED to make it online. My number 1 recommendation will not only teach you the skills you need, but also help you implement them.
Below is my number 1 recommendation for making money online. It will teach you the tools YOU NEED to make money online, and to be successful. Regardless of how you want to make money online you need to know how to sell it, where to sell it, and how to run your business. This is how I learnt ALL of that, and grew to the position I am in today.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
>>>> Check Out My Number 1 Recommendation For Making Money Online <<<<
Viral Dollars Review
On the 19th of April Viral Dollars was launched and coincidentally Viral Pay disappeared. It would seem all the heat Viral Dollars was catching due to not paying out their members earnings became too much for the creators.
What better way to start fresh, than to re brand and target a new group of people! They must be doing something right if they want to keep it going? Perhaps the Viral Pay and Viral Dollars websites can make money, for the creators!
The website has been revamped and looks a lot cleaner and more professional – perhaps they bought a WordPress theme this time, or even paid a developer. Either way the claim of being the #1 influencer network online remains.I haven’t done much in the way of researching influencer networks, but I dare say Tribe may have something to say to Viral Dollars about this claim at the very least!
How will Viral Dollars make you $500 a day?
How Does Viral Dollars Work?
Nothing has changed with Viral dollars, it works the exact same way as Viral Pay. Quite simply you complete a serious of tasks laid out in the back area, and you get paid. Below is a screenshot of the tasks you can complete, which is identical in look, and in pay rates to the defunct Viral Pay system.As I outlined in my Viral Pay review, the various ways you can make money include
- Clicks – apparently you will be paid $2 for every click. For a reference point the average google ad click costs is between $1-$2 so they are losing money here.
- Referrals – $10 for anyone that signs up, and they get their $25 bonus, so its costing Viral pay $35 any time someone signs up.
- App Downloads – get $10 to download an app?! That pricing model doesn’t even make sense. The section that suggests $30 to download an app just reloads the page.
- Surveys – taking a survey will earn you $25, as the $30 link previously mentioned does nothing.
- YouTube Videos – They provide you the title, description and tags. All you have to do is say how great Viral pay is, and you get $50.
As you can see you can make a large amount of money with this program, for doing very medial tasks. The catch is, you have to be able to withdraw the money!
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
>>>> Check Out My Number 1 Recommendation For Making Money Online <<<<
Viral Dollars Red Flags
The reg flags remain the same as Viral Pay, an anonymous faceless program, fake testimonials and most importantly what I wanted to focus on is the complaints.
Despite having a new name, and a slightly different website, Viral dollars is still the same scam. Which means it has the same problems. The system is still in its “infancy” but Trustpilot still has a few reviews, and they all paint the same story.
No one has ever been paid, and no one will. Viral Dollars is just a dashboard dollar program that gives you false earning projections and then never delivers them to you. Now it’s time for my verdict, I doubt you’ll be surprised.
Viral Dollars Review – Scam or Legit? The Verdict
Viral dollars have a brand new name but is still the same scam. Viral Pay has just been re branded in the hope of shedding the negativity of the prior system. The only saving grace is the program is free, so theoretically no one will lose any money. That is unless they spend money on paid advertising.
These programs are incredibly common online, and although they are far from the worst, they will waste your time, and leave you frustrated and sceptical of any online money making opportunity.
I would NEVER recommend a program like this. Even if it is free and you won’t lose any money, Viral Dollars is 100% A SCAM. STAY AWAY FROM VIRAL Dollars. Do not waste your time. Stop wasting your time searching and avoid being scammed. There are ways to really make money online and they are not that difficult!
How Do I REALLY Make Money Online?
Countless people make a full time living earning money online and the best part is you can too! However, if you are in search of a get rich quick scheme you will be left disappointed. There are no get rich quick schemes. No silver bullets when it comes to making money online.
If you understand that you need to work to make money online. You need to be committed to set up an online business to eventually earn you a passive income, then read on. If you want to make money fast, and lots of it, this isn’t for you. I have reviewed literally 100s of programs in search of the best way to make money online, and this one has helped me make the MOST online.
Below is my number 1 recommendation for making money online. It will teach you the tools YOU NEED to make money online, and to be successful. Regardless of how you want to make money online you need to know how to sell it, where to sell it, and how to run your business. This is how I learnt ALL of that, and grew to the position I am in today.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
>>>> Check Out My Number 1 Recommendation For Making Money Online <<<<