UPDATE: My eCom Club Confirms They Are No Longer Operating:
According to the BBB website, My eCom Club have offically reported they are no longer doing business with new customers. “Erin Carter” the “Director of Customer Service” states:
Please be informed that My Ecom Club has closed and is no longer in business, and its employees have been dismissed. A small handful are still on board to wrap things up through the end of the year.
My honest My eCom Club review
Looking for an honest My eCom Club review? Or simply want to know if it’s a scam? My eCom Club is the last in a long line of recent reviews I have done, all funnels that ultimately end up promoting this program. In fact there are 6 in total, all of which I have reviewed, including:
All of them promote knew and little known secrets to making some easy money online, and all use the “results” of My eCom Club. Putting the questionable marketing ethics, and morals aside the question then remains, if all of these 6 “programs” funnel you into My eCom Club, is it the legit program that can make you some real money?
As the name suggests, My eCom Club is an eCommerce program that can help you set up an scale a profitable online business. The internet is full of eCommerce programs and systems, in fact I have reviewed countless programs, some legit others straight out scams including; eCom Hacks Academy, Jeffrey’s Fast Lane, Cash Website Success, Aliprofits System and 22 Minutes To Profits to name a few.
The sheer volume of eCommerce scams I have reviewed immediately makes me skeptical of this program, not to mention the 6 funnels I previously mentioned that all funnel to this program. So can you make money with this program, or is My eCom Club a scam? Lets dive in and take a closer look
Before We Begin….
My journey into affiliate marketing and online business was one littered with failures scams and a lot of wasted time. I started Affiliated Success out of the frustration I experienced on my way to success. Now I aim to share what I have learnt, and uncover the latest scams so you do not have to make the same mistakes I did. I have literally reviewed 100s of programs, so know a thing or too about a scam, but also a legit program that can add a lot of value to your online business career.
Making money online requires time and effort. But with the right skills and knowledge you can shortcut the time it takes to build your profitable business. If you are willing to invest in yourself, and to put in the effort to grow an online business then this program IS FOR YOU. In fact my number 1 recommendation has helped me make the MOST money online out of any programs I have reviewed.
Created by Jacob Caris, one of the 16 super affiliates featured ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp Summit, this program has helped me make the MOST money online in the shortest amount of time. If you are serious, you HAVE to check this out.
Check Out My Number 1 Recommendation For Making Money Online. This Simple Program Has Made Me The MOST Money!
My Ecom Club Review
As I previously suggested, My eCom Club is the end point to at last count, a total of 6 other “programs” which are ultimately sales funnels for My eCom Club. I came across it when I reviewed the a program with an incredibly similar name, eCom Cash Code.
For those of you who are completely new to the online marketing, and affiliate industry a sales funnel is, as the name suggests, a sequence of defined events and steps, or a funnel, that takes a lead through a path that ultimately leads to a sale. In it’s simplest form, you google a software you want to buy, and click on their website where you are taken to the sales landing page. You click “buy now” and you have your product. That is an incredibly simple sales funnel.
My eCom Club uses 6 other “programs” that look like their own system, with their own content and strategies to sell some rudimentary and basic information to convert the lead to a paying customer. They are then presented My eCom Club which promises to fill in all the gaps and sky rocket their success.
The issue I have with this strategy, and why I needed to take a closer look at My eCom Club, is the 6 other programs pass on “results” and all the same testimonials used by My eCom Club. They are in essence, misleading the buyers and then pulling a bate and switch. The results they present you can only achieve by buying the much higher price of the My eCom Club – that’s of course assuming the results presented are legit.
My eCom Club is centred around a well known and legitimate business model known as dropshipping. Whilst I am not a massive fan of dropshipping (personal opinion due to many reasons) there are many who make a lot of money and full time careers as dropshipping entrepreneurs.
So before we dive into My eCom Club, lets first look at the concept itself to see what we are getting in to.
What Is Dropshipping?
Countless ecommerce sites, and software providers are centred around and support droppshipping businesses. There is no doubt there is big money in strategy of eCommerce business. Sites such as Shopify, BigCommerce, Wix and Oberlo to name a few. The first three are store front and ecommerce building sites with multiple plugins and dropshipping support channels to support your entire business from start to finish. Orbelo is a product finding service, that links to Shopify, a direct link to wholesalers and their products, similar to Alibaba.
Shopify offers a great indepth examination of all the finer points of dropshipping, as many of the SaS services do – your success brings them money so it is in their interest to help you as much as they can. In a nutshell dropshipping can be explained by:
- Your customer places and order from your online store: Whether your site is a simple store from made from a template from Shopify, BigCommerce, Wix or your own stand alone site. Users find your site or listing through various marketing and traffic sources and place their order through your personal store.
- Your stores automatically sends the order to your dropshipping supplier: Your site through a plugin such as Orbelo, or other standard plugins, pushes the order through to the wholesaler directly, you merely act as the middle man.
- Your dropshipping supplier prepares your customers order: Once your supplier accepts the order they take over everything, prepare the order as per the customers request. You do not hold any stock on hand like a conventional eCommerce or brick and mortar store.
- Your dropshipping supplier ships the order directly to your customer: The supplier then ships the order to your customer for you. Returns and problems are also dealt with by the supplier.
Unlike conventional retail and eCommerce models that require businesses to hold large amount of stock, organise logistics and supply, dropshipping passes all of this on to the wholesale supplier. Naturally their are many pros and cons with this method, but many chose this route due to its lower cost of entry. So what exactly are the pros and cons involved – it cant be all good right?
The Benefits Of Dropshipping
There are many reasons those new to eCommerce chose to use dropshipping as their business model. Below are the main benefits of the dropshipping model:
- Less Start Up Capital Required: The biggest advantage of dropshipping is the low cost of entry to market, compared to conventional retail and eCommerce business models. Without having to hold any stock, potentially $100,000s of capital is freed up, or simply not needed to start. You only “buy” stock from your wholesaler when you have a confirmed sale.
- Easy to Start: Without having to manage stock and the demands of physical stock logistics, coupled with the internet getting started is easier than ever. You could launch a site on shopify, link up Orbelo, select your products and start a store in a weekend. There are SO MANY tools to help you get started easily. (Don’t let that description fool you into thinking it will take a weekend to start making money…you can buy a car in 5 minutes, it takes far longer to learn how to drive.)
- Highly Scaleable: Growth in conventional business and online eCommerce models comes with both excitement and trepidation. Growth means more capital, more staff, more inventory, more headaches. With dropshipping all of this is passed on to the supplier. You may need more to upscale as customer support or marketing requirements increase, but this pales in comparison to what you would need with alternative models. Many successful dropshippers that have scaled to 6 figure businesses did it on their own at first.
- Low Overheads: The demands of purchasing inventory, means storing it, shipping and managing your stock levels. This many mean warehousing or storage costs, inventory managers, or warehouse and order fulfilment staff. A dropshipping business can be started with a laptop, an internet connection and some fees for your software services – that’s it.
- Flexibility: You have the flexibility of location – running an internet business of any kind means you can work where you can get internet. Secondly without having to pre order and hold stock for your customers you can change your offerings in a matter of hours or even minutes. This gives you an amazing ability to quickly change with the latest fads and offer the hot products before they lose their momentum.
- Easy To Test: I started a kids clothing line in 2015 and one of the hardest things to deal with in the standard online model was testing. You need to have an eye for the products you believe will sell. Then you need to order a minimum quantity just to range them. If you miss the mark, you are left with a bunch of stock you cannot sell. Conversely if you found the next hot item, you sell out instantly then need to wait weeks for your supplier to send you the next shipment. With dropshipping you can range 10s, 100s or products, see which ones sell and drop those that dont. No stock issues or wasted money in inventory.
With such an impressively long list of benefits one immediately thinks, or should think, what’s the catch? If it is this easy, why isn’t everyone doing it?! And why do traditional retailers and online eCommerce sites still exist at all? The answer is, you pay for it and you are not in control of all of your business. Lets take a closer look at the disadvantages before we get carried away with excitement!
The Disadvantages of Dropshipping
Unfortunately the list of disadvantages is just as long as the advantages, which is really the case in any legitimate business. If you are considering any opportunity the old adage, if it seems too good to be true it probably is, never fails. Everything has pros and cons that offset each other. Below is a list of the disadvantages of dropshipping:
- Lack Of Control Over Stock: In the traditional retail and eCommerce models you have a lot more control over your stock. You enter into agreements with suppliers, develop relationships, inspect quality and have agreements that ensure you can service your inventory needs. With dropshipping suppliers can change or drop the sale of their products without notice. Your best selling item may disappear over night, and a replacement suppliers quality may be questionable. You also do not “see” what is being shipped. The samples your supplier sent you may drop in quality over time, which you have no control over until your customers start getting angry.
- Low Profit Margins: Naturally when you hand off 80% of your business to a third party, that being manufacturer, order fulfilment and shipping, it doesn’t come cheap. This means your room to move in setting your prices is quite small, and with such a small entry to market a new product you source one day with no competitors could have 20 new competitors over night. How many times have you bought a bargain online only to find the quality is poor, and the customer service non existent? Your product may be top quality and the best on the market, but someone somewhere will undercut you with a poorer rip off. This means you have to be an expert with your marketing and customer satisfaction.
- Same Product As Everyone Else: As a dropshipper every one of your competitors has access to the very same products as you. You have very limited ability to brand or customise products which can make it difficult to stand out. Quite a lot of suppliers do allow you to do some customisation but it comes at an additional cost, and requires minimum orders – which then means increased risk and overheads.
- Order Fulfilment Issues: With countless suppliers now able to offer products through platforms like Alibaba and Orbelo it is often hard to know who you are partnering with. Most will position themselves as professional well run businesses, but could be bargain basement sweat shops with 1 person handling all the shipping. Either way, someone else is dealing with your order fulfilment. Your customer is dealing with you. Everything is your fault. If your supplier makes and error, or doesn’t ship the product it reflects poorly on you, not them. The dropshipping model unfortunately presents an ongoing frustration of having to take responsibility for mistakes, and fix errors that you have no control over, that ultimately can damage your businesses reputation. Choose your suppliers wisely!
- Multi Vendor Complexities: As a dropshipper your site may over numerous products from countless vendors. A customer may place one order for 5 products that need to be fulfilled from 5 different vendors. Each from different locations, with different shipping costs. It is your responsibility to manage this cost and the complexities. Anyone who has shopped online would know generally there is a flat rate when it comes to shipping. I would expect if I am buying 5 items from one store, I will pay one shipping amount. Not 5. Management poorly these shipping costs can completely erode your profits.
Now we know what dropshipping is, and its advantages and disadvantages, lets take a closer look at My eCom Club and how it will help you tackle all these problems and create a successful business!
What Is My eCom Club?
As I suggested earlier, My eCom Club is an eCommerce opportunity that centres around dropshipping. The site siggests that the My eCom Club is all you’ll ever need to “start, build, and grow a e-Commerce business: quickly and easily”. Naturally I was intrigued, I created a free account to see what it was all about.
After creating an account you are shown a video presentation by Teo Vee, or Teo Vanyo as I would discover later is his real name. The video explains how this free account grants you access to a free $200 program, and encourages you to spend $37 to get an adviser or coach to make the most of the course. Once the video finishes you are pushed to a landing welcome page, that launches into another sales pitch that tries to push you into buying the $37 adviser upsell.
Thankfully you can just skip past this, and there is actually a “$200 free program” of actual training. In total there are 6 steps of training, with over 4 hours worth of videos that take you through the dropselling concept and a basic overview into how to get started.
In a moment we will take a look at what these steps are, but first lets look at who is behind My eCom Club.
Who Is Behind My eCom Club
In my earlier reviews of programs that lead to My eCom Club it was my understanding that the man behind My eCom Club was the man you see in the initial sales pitch, Teo Vanyo. The site itself gives no indication at all of who is the owner of the program, however various sources list Rocky Lin as the owner of the program.
Who is Rocky Lin? No idea. Never heard of him, can’t find him online – could be a made up for all I know, that’s not a good start.
Teo on the other hand was easy to find, and has an extensive background I found whilst looking into the prior programs. If he isn’t the creator, he is a serious promoter, and perhaps co-owner featuring in all the training. Teo’s website suggests he is a 7 figure successful entrepreneur that has helped over 5000+ customers, however offers nothing in the way of social proof to back this up.
According to the site, Teo started his internet marketing career in 2010, so has a decade long history in the industry. Starting out with a blog and selling various products through ebay and amazon, he now has multiple offices including one in New Jersey and others in the Philippines. Unfortunately I was not able to verify this, or what these offices are for.
The other person we are introduced to is Jordan, who feature sin the bonus strategy session at the end of the training, and who is a coach you can purchase with a $37 per month upsell. I personally do not know Jordan, but there has been numerous reports he could be “Jordan Daniels” who was most prominently linked to highly unethical scam MOBE. Mobe was shut down by the FTC who filed a lawsuit in June 2018.
Not a great start to the program. Unsure who the owner is, the only visible member has some question marks around him and the “coach” could be linked to MOBE. Lets take a look at the training itself before we pass judgement.
My eCom Club Members Area – The 6 Steps Free Training Course
The first introduction to the My eCom Club offering is a free “$200 program” Teo gives you access too simply by creating a free account. What I fully expected is a fairly generic, useless guide that just you basic information then tells you to buy expensive upsells to get the full picture. Each step has its own lesson consisting of a video which runs for about 40 minutes. Below are the 6 steps, and what they contain;
- Step 1 – Basics of Dropshipping: Step 1 gives you an overview of what the free training will entail, and the basics of dropshipping. Nothing revolutionary, or worth much value, but is a staple of any eCommerce program. It offers a good and easy to undestand explanation.
- Step 2 – Your Offering: In step 2 you will learn how to find your niche, and how you can find your products using facebook. The most important part of any eCommerce and dropshipping business is about effectively targeting your niche with appropriate products. Promoting the “right product” to the wrong niche will result in minimal sales. Just like the wrong product to the “right niche” wont end up in many sales.
- Step 3 – Mindset Training: One of the main reasons online businesses and entrepreneurs fail is not due to the business model, but generally comes down to the wrong mindset. Running and online business requires a lot of self motivation and commitment that often fails with the wrong mindset.
- Step 4 – Sourcing Your Suppliers: Step 4 explains how you can source the right supplier for your online dropshipping business by using AliExpress. AliExpress is business to business portal that connect business owners with wholesalers. Almost like Ebay for business owners.
- Step 5 – Setting Up Your Store Front: Step 5 explains how to set up your storefront using the popular eCommerce store software, Shopify. It then goes into integrating Oberlo with your store, that enables you to search for products and instantly upload them to your site direct from the wholesaler.
- Step 6 – Optimisation & Traffic Generation: Now you have your site set up, know how to source your suppliers and select your products, the final step is optimisation and traffic generation. This step explains the importance of evaluating your product selection and driving traffic to your listings.
All in all, the information is solid, and fairly good for a free program. That is not to say there are not countless of other resources out there just as good. Shopify, BigCommerce, Wix and Orbelo all have exception blogs and how to guides that can easily step you through the entire process as well. As I suggested earlier, they have a vested interest in your success – the more you succeed the more money they make.
So it is clear their intentions, and why they would give you great free resources, but would would Teo? That comes with the upsell. He has given you a taste. Enough information to get you interested, even enough to start a site, but not nearly enough to actually be successful without a lot more trial, error and training.
The My eCom Club Upsell – The Paid Course
Following the first 6 steps you are given a free bonus session, which is pitched as a strategy session. In reality, it is really a sales pitch for the paid My eCom Club Course.
In this video you meet Teo again and a man by the name of Jordan, who is the coaching in the members area training, that go on to explain a “done for you program”. In my opinion done for you, can be used interchangeably with “get rich quick”. Unfortunately as soon as anyone mentions a done for you program it immediately screams scam to me. This is because it is one of the most common tactics used by scammers, as it plays on peoples natural desire to start an online business, with virtually no effort, and have it all presented to them on a silver platter.
According to Teo and Jordan, they have built two e-commerce stores for you, will help you choose the products and set everything up so you can launch a profitable business. And all it costs is $1,997.
I am going to be completely honest with you. Generally I like to purchase the programs I review, but forking out close to $2000 for a done for you eCom store does not really appeal to me. Lets unpack their claim;
- They will give you a done for you eCom store – to do this on mass, for $2000 it would be a template. Perhaps they used it themselves, but considering the training is for Shopify and Orbelo, more than likely you would be getting a storefront where the steps you can do yourself have just been finished.
- Help you choose your products – unless they are constantly reviewing your business, the current trends in your niche, and the changing market environment they cannot really choose your products. I believe they will give you some suggestions on some common high turnover products that would result in some sales – not necessarily profits.
Following this purchase you also have 3 other upsells, with give credence to my concerns over the claim of a “done for you” program.
- My Ecom Club Gold Membership ($97 one time): This gives you extra training from a man by the name of “Rocky Lin”. Unsure why this would be needed by anyone when you are spending $1997 to have Jordan and Teo give you a done for you storefront that is highly profitable.
- Inner Circle Monthly Membership ($37 per month): This is the initial upsell and gives you an adviser.
- Instant E-Commerce Website Template ($37 one time): A template of a high converting Shopify store. Again the $1997 cost is a complete done for you package, so unsure why this is on offer.
It is hard to offer a definitive review on something you haven’t purchased and experienced yourself, but we can take a look at some recent reviews, and they are pretty damming.
My eCom Club Better Business Bureau Complaints
The Better Business Bureau is a private nonprofit organisation that operates thorough the United States and Canada. The BBB self-described mission is to focus on advancing marketplace trust, and operates as a resource for customers to review businesses, and see complaints listed against the business. The BBB also gives ratings on businesses that evaluates their trustworthiness and ethics of their business practises.
One look at the BBB review page of My eCom Club is enough to turn anyone away from this business. The BBB even has an alert listed for the business, stating;
“BBB files indicate that this business has a pattern of complaints concerning misrepresentation of services and billing issues.”
So with all of that in mind, what is the verdict, is My eCom Club a scam or legit?
My eCom Club – Scam or a Legit? The Verdict?
As I suggested earlier, I did not buy the $2000 done for you program. The free training is valuable in that it does provide a good overview and introduction into dropshipping and eCommerce. However this is all with the intention of pushing people into the upsells and more expensive offerings. If the complaints are anythign to go by, this can cost people upwards of $30,000.
With that in mind, taking in to consideration the vagueness over who actually owns the program, Teos history and previous misleading “programs” and most importantly the magnitude of complaints on BBB from people reporting to have lost serious money, I cannot overlook the red flags.
Whether My eCom Club was started with good intent, and morphed into a sales program that was able to generate massive profits for the owners by pushing upsells after offering a basic templated eCommerce site I am unsure. By my recommendation is clear. STAY AWAY FROM MY ECOM CLUB.
I will even go as far as branding this a SCAM, despite having not personally purchased the $2,000 program – the evidence is just insurmountable.
How Do You REALLY Make Money Online?
If you are looking to start a side hustle, or wanting to branch out and start a full time online business career – building your own business is the best way to go about it. As you invest more time into your online business, you will slowly start to grow you income stream. If you do it right you can eventually have a full time income from passive sales.
I have tried so many programs and systems I have lost count. The ones that were not scams all have their strengths and weaknesses but the one that resonated the most with me, and has made me the most money, was developed by one of the 16 super affiliates, Jacob Caris from ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp Summit!
Jacob has developed a simple 3 step system for building a super affiliate business – you could say his resume definitely shows he is cut out for the job! It is aptly named Super Affiliate Accelerator. The great thing about his system is it does not require any tech skills, and can be used from anyone to a complete beginner to a seasoned veteran.
In fact it has recently been so successful I have started to see other programs scrambled and doing damage control as students are leaving to come to Super Affiliate Accelerator.
If you are serious about building a profitable online business, and growing to become a super affiliate this program is for you. Jacob does not accept everyone however. You must be willing to put in work, and be committed to succeeding – otherwise he will turn you away. Sound like you? Click the link below to get started.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you. Sign up and start your journey TODAY:
Check Out My Number 1 Recommendation For Making Money Online. This Simple Program Has Made Me The MOST Money!