Looking for an honest Infinite Income Review? Is this another legit newsletter from Agora Financial or is it just another way to scam you out of your money?
For those of you wanting to know the answers, read on. But for those of you who are just looking for a way to unlock your financial future, I have something for you before we started!
Affiliated success was created for one reason only, to find the BEST WAY to make money online. When I started, I learnt the hard way, making every mistake under the sun. I don’t want you to have to make the same costly mistakes.
In order to enact change, something needs to change. If you want to change your financial position, you have to actually do something about it. No one is going to hand you the path on a silver platter. Invest in yourself and believe you can make a difference.
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Infinite Income Review
For those regular readers of Affiliated Success, you would probably recognise Agora Financial. Agora is the investment company behind the Cash For Patriots Program, Trump Bonus Checks and Brian Rose’s Retirement Accelerator. Hopefully those two programs are not anything to go by, or this review will be interesting!
Infinite Income is a program that focuses on creating an unlimited supply if income for retirement. Targeting mature investors, the advisory service’s principals objective is to advise investors on where to put their retirement fund for the highest possible returns.
So lets revisit Agora, and see who is behind Infinite Income.
Who Is Behind Infinite Income?
Infinite Income is created by a man named Mike Burnick and published by Agora. Mike unfortunately is the creator of the shady marketing gimmick, Trump Bonus Checks, you can read the full story here, Trump Bonus Checks – Scam or Legit?
The summarised version is Trump Bonus Checks is a marketing gimmick created by Mike, suggesting American’s can simply signup to get access to these checks thanks to President Trump. Below are some quotes:
“Hardworking Americans are screaming, ‘Thank you!’ to President Trump as some collect checks for $4,280… $6,344… and even an exceptional $8,181 per month.”
“Mitchell Sanders has made an average of $7,166 per month from ‘Trump Bonus Checks’.”
In reality you are just subscribing to this exact newsletter where you find out how to make money by investing.
Burnick has over 30 years of experience in the financial sector, working at Pinnacle Investment and as a Portfolio Manager and a registered investment adviser for Weiss Research.
As reported by Agora, in 2018, the average return of Infinite Income beat the markets by over 17%.
If there investment information in Infinite Income is so good why then do they need to resort to misleading advertising tactics to get people to sign up. I will try not to let my prior review of Trumps Bonus Checks flavor this review. Lets take a look at what a subscription will get you.
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What Does A Subscription Get You?
Infinite Income offers a one year membership for $199. So what exactly does that get you? As I previously mentioned, the focus and objective is an advisory service that provides low risk investment opportunities to help develop a regular passive income for retirement.
According to the 7 Figure Publishing website the following is what you receive as part of your subscription:
- Monthly Infinite Income issues – Highlighting the best wealth growing opportunities on the market.
- Weekly portfolio updates – Sent via email. If anything changes within any of the companies in our model portfolio, you will be the first to know. These updates may also include market analysis, new trade recommendations, and more.
- As needed flash action alerts – Letting you know if you need to take action of on any of your Infinite Income stocks.
- First reader rights to all new special reports.
- If a new report is published, you will be the first to know.
- Access to the online Infinite Income model portfolio.
- 24/7 access to the Infinite Income members only website.
- Free subscriptions to Mike Burnick’s Wealth Watch,The Five Minute Forecast, America Uncensored and The Rundown.
The thing I like most about this newsletter, as opposed to all the other ones I have reviewed is the income claims are not hyped and unreasonable. As you can see from the portfolio history below, the returns are sitting on around 8.65%. However curiously in the top right they claim 46%. Either way this isn’t the normal 300%-1000% returns that prior newsletters claim.
This screen shot is their only mention on returns, as normal newsletters are dominated with hype income projections. This is a promising sign.
Along with your newsletter, weekly updates and alerts you will gain access to their library company reviews to help guide your investing. The Infinite Income members area seeks to give you to latest news and investment tips before anyone else.
So with that being said, for $199 is this a legitimate investing tool?
Infinite Income – Scam or Legit? The Verdict
I believe Infinite Income is a legitimate investing resource, for a fair price you can gain access to advice and all the latest investor information. Mike has an impressive resource, with a wealth of knowledge, and they collect all their information from credible sources.
So with that in mind, the next question is, do you want to learn how to invest yourself, or do you want a more hands off approach. This newsletter will give you advice, but you will still have to make your own investment choices. If you are confident in your own ability to review the information and make informed investment decisions, then this is a viable solution.
However if you want to have someone manage your portfolio yourself, you should probably look at a managed fund with a fund manager to make the decisions for you. You can also take advantage of other well known opportunities to make a passive income instead. The information provided in Infinite Income depends on you having a substantial capital base to invest.
If you are like me, you don’t have a spare couple of $1,000 to invest yet. But you can earn it, and build a passive income from virtually nothing.
How To REALLY Make Money Online
You definitely look to invest with a managed fund or investing in stocks, but more than likely you are not at this point yet. What if I told you, you don’t need to invest in stocks and have a large amount of capital to build a capital income stream.
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