A lot of people ask me how I started out in affiliate marketing? If you told me you could make money online, I mean a lot of money online I would have thought you were scamming me. I was the last person in the world who would be an affiliate marketer. And yet here I am, earning over $200k a year. So where did it all start? Well that’s an interesting story…
Affiliate Marketing “Wolf of Wall Streeted” Me!

“Is that your car in the lot?…..you make a lot of money….I tell you what. You show me a pay stub for $72,000 on it I will quit my job and work for you!” Anyone who has seen Wolf of Wall Street would know this scene where Jonah Hills character quits his job when learning how much Jordan Belfort makes.
My journey into affiliate marketing started fairly similar to this scene. A friend of my who I regularly got into business projects with started affiliated marketing some 3 years prior to me. On and off we spoke about it but never in depth.
All of a sudden he quit his job, to take the plunge and “really commit” to affiliate marketing and growing his community. He really believed he could make a living from affiliate marketing. I shrugged it off, not my thing, or at least what I believed affiliate marketing was.
Fast forward 6 months, I just happened to catch a live on his Facebook group “November in Review – The figures”….”$42,457”. What!? How is this really?? I always thought everything I had seen online was just “car sales” promotion to make some money. But my mate earnt enough in a month to potentially bring in $500k for the year.
“Show me bank deposits that total $42k and I’m all. Let’s meet tomorrow.” I blew off work and we met up. First the bank account. Yes it all tallied up to $42k. I felt like I had won the lottery. I spent the afternoon going through the entire process, obviously not the complete industry secrets, but the ins and out. Not once did he try and sell me.
RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online
So He Could Do It Why Can’t I?
I was sold. I committed then and there, this was what I was going to do, and it was going to work. Am I as smart as him? Definitely! Dedicated? Check I have that in spades – I’ve worked 90 hours a week for 10 years. I did advertising at University and worked as a marketing manager for a small company for 2 years – this is right in my strength zone.
So that’s how it started! Did I make $200k In the first year? Absolutely not. I didn’t earn any money for months, but I was prepared for this. I developed a plan, content strategy, traffic generation, social channels and my affiliate program. At first the revenue was slow, but as it grew so did my motivation.
Fast forward 3 years, no more 9-5. I have a 12-4, 10-2, 6-8 aka whenever I want to work, I work. I have my full routine planned out and I just need to ensure I publish my content each day, as per my plan.
The great thing about affiliate marketing is you generate all your sales online. There are so many tools to help save you time. My favorite? Hootsuite – but that’s another topic for another blog!
Want To Know More?
So now you know how it started. You know it took years to earn 200k+ a year. Unfortunately I am not your friend, you don’t have that luxury but I can assure you it’s possible – do you want it too? Are you committed enough to consistently stick to a plan.
If you answers yes to both those questions click below for my number one recommendation for making money online.
Click the link below and learn how the professional affiliate marketers earn 6 figure incomes:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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