Social media marketing is at the core of any online business. We all know content is key. Consistently posting ensures visibility to your followers, content for SEO which all drives traffic to your site. Ensure you fix these top 5 SEO mistakes!
But how often should you post? Surely the more you post, the more engagement and views you would see, so post post post. However I soon discovered this is not the case.
Just like with hashtags, there is a limit to the effectiveness of posts, and a definite number you should limit yourself too. So what is it? What should you be doing with each of your communication channels?
Each Social Site is Unique!
So by now you will know the power of social media marketing – regardless of whether you are new to affiliate marketing or not. Social media marketing is free, and when done correctly can drive and endless potential of free traffic to your site.
With so many different platforms it is essential you have the right presence on the platforms where you can best reach that audience. Using social media to market your affiliate business is essential to your business growth.
Your posting frequency on social media can make or break your marketing success too much and you will annoying your potential customers. Too little and you will disappear in the sea of competitions.
Each social site has its own algorithm which if adhered to can be your most powerful tool to drive traffic and increase engagement! You need to find the sweet spot between sticking to the feeds and minds of your followers, without being too spammy. So lets crunch some numbers!
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The king of social media for all online businesses. The general consensus for facebook posts is “two posts per day”. Well that was easy! Not quite.
The issue with this recommendation is it generally is applied to when referring to large followings, businesses with more than 10 000 followers. If you happen to fall into this category – GREAT WORK two posts will maximize engagement and website traffic.
So what happens to the unlucky major of us, that have less than 10 000 followers. A study from Hubspot found that businesses posting more than once a day received fewer click through, than those who posted once. So if website traffic is the goal keep it to one while you grow, then boost it to two.
If however you are looking to drive engagement two posts per day is appropriate if you invite your subscribers to interact with each other, or you. This will protract the effect of your post. Unfortunately this rule is timely and depends on the day to day trends, events – you cannot apply it as a blanket rule to every day.
At the end of the day, be selective about what you post. Make each post content rich, with engaging and helpful material. The adage quality over quantity has never been more appropriate. NEVER POST FOR THE SAKE OF POSTING. If you have no content, do not post it.
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Twitters algorithms are strongly aligned to those of Facebook. However that does not mean 1 or 2 posts a day, twitter is substantially different in that regard.
As with Facebook, how often you post directly relates to what you are trying to achieve for your business. Are you looking to increase brand recognition and brand awareness? Or are you trying to direct more users to your site? Each goal will require a different set of actions on Twitter.
When we consider the twitter feed, it easy to see your posts will be substantially higher than Facebook. Unlike Facebook, users will not often spend hours scrolling through their feeds. Because of this, being at the top of the feed is crucial, which means a lot more posts!
For engagement the sweet spot is generally considered to be between 5-10 posts per day. A great tip is to pay attention to your timing, ensuring you are posting consistently throughout the day and during your target markets waking hours. During the work day engagement may be low, so take advantage of the house preceding and following work.
To get greater traffic, and an overall higher response rate the sky is the limit! But when to stop? How again to not be annoying and spammy. The general rule for this is 10 – 20 posts per day.
Follow key players in your industry or area of interest for your followers. By doing so you can aim to retweet 7-10 posts a day, adding your own content on top. This can also help patch the content holes you may have.
Finally – HASHTAGS. Ensure you use them and they are relevant. Do not post the same exact message more than once, be sure to reword your messages. Twitters algorithms do not like you just retweeting the same post.
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When it comes to Instagram the rules are fairly similar to Facebook, and unlike twitter. One or two great posts is perfect, provided you have content. Again do not post for the sake of posting.
With Instagram the key is consistency. Whatever your posting frequency, you must ensure you are posting every day. Skipping a day, or a week at a time can be very harmful and lose you followers.
Because of this it is crucial to PLAN A LOT OF CONTENT. As I said earlier, if you don’t have content, don’t post. And then in the next sentence I said you should never skip a day. Always think ahead, and plan multiple posts in advance.
Sharing content is not as common place as twitter and Facebook. With twitter if it relates to your business in some way, or was posted by a key player you can retweet without much risk. However with Instagram the rules are a little tighter only share content when it’s necessary and benefits the audience in some way.
Social Media Marketing In Summary
A quick recap, do not post for the sake of posting. Content quality trumps over quantity. Develop an individual content plan for each social site, along with a communication plan.
Know what you are going to post, along with how often you plan on posting. Use metric tools to determine when the best times are to post to maximize reach and engagement.