For those of you who have read my post, How Long Will It Take To Make Money Online? you will know it took me 39 days to make my first sale. But let’s unpack the journey a little more to help understand why investing in yourself will get you EVERYWHERE in online business.
Making money online isn’t hard in application. What is difficult is the time, dedication, and knowledge you need to correctly apply the right techniques to bring money in. I was completely naive to the online business world, and more specifically affiliate marketing. A simple post from a friend on how he made $40k that month through affiliate marketing immediately got me hooked.
How I Started Making Money Online
I was lucky in a sense that he was a friend, honest and truthful, he just lay it all out what he does, the harsh realities and gave me realistic expectations. After that meeting I knew this was the business I wanted to be in. However, I thought I could do it all by myself – let me tell you how wrong I was.
I consider myself an intelligent man. I have a high paying IT job, a degree and can quickly adapt and learn new things. So why would someone like me PAY for some to tell me something I COULD JUST GOOGLE! So off I went on a googling frenzy looking for only free resources. What a mine field – so many glorified get rich quick schemes, scams, hyped marketing programs. But I managed to weave my way through the madness and take in, what I thought was the key skills and techniques I needed.
Fast forward to 39 days later I made my first commission ever – $18. Time for the money to RAIN! But it didn’t. The first month I made $150, the following $180 then $90. This wasn’t right, by now I should be earning 20k+ from everything I had read.
The Moment It All Changed….
So, I reached out to my mentor and he gave me one of the most valuable lessons of my entire career. INVEST IN YOURSELF. See I was so focused on Free, that I failed to realise the truth of what I was really searching for. The problem is not that I didn’t want to spend money. I feel 95% of people are in this boat. The problem was that I didn’t want to spend money on something that wasn’t worth it.
I spent some time analysing my skills, coming up with where I thought I lacked the knowledge to succeed. Then I did my research, finding the perfect resource for me with a supportive community that could help grow my business. After a month my sales were booming. Who would have thought?
What I realised was you can do it on your own. But it will take longer and cost you time and money. Get a mentor or invest in a program from people who know what they are doing. How to make money and will support your business. Shortcut the time it takes to be successful.
So many programs will sell you bullshit on how you can retire in days or weeks. “This program WILL make you rich”. The truth is there are no get rich quick schemes, no silver bullets – but there are shortcuts. What is the shortcut? Knowledge.
The Key? Knowledge Is Power
Knowledge is power, it’s a well-known saying, and it couldn’t be truer if you are trying to make money online. I started with Legendary Marketers 15 Day Business Builder Challenge. For just $7 I was teamed up with a business advisor who guided me through each day of videos, activities and helped me come up with an ultimately successful business plan.
Why $7? Why not free?! If you are not willing to invest $7 in yourself for a starter course, you WILL NOT SUCCEED. So many people jump from free offering to free offering and go nowhere. Legendary are quickly becoming a dominating force in this industry and for obvious reasons don’t want to waster your time, and their time with unmotivated “free” seekers. If that’s you, this is not for you.
But if you are motivated and genuinely want to learn and succeed online then try it out. Make sure to take full advantage and do every day of teachings. AND SCHEDULE YOUR CALLS. The advisers are an amazing resource so USE THEM. They will also walk you through Legendary’s full product offering and give you one hell off a bonus discount offering. If you like the $7 business challenge, this package will BLOW YOU AWAY – you WILL NOT find anything else with this much value. And trust me, it really is a one-time offer.
If Not Now, When? There Is No Change Without Change – Start Today!
Here is a full break down of everything you will get with this awesome program. The value is UNBELIEVABLE! This program is why I am where I am today and taught me everything I needed to know to be successful.
Still unsure….
That’s right, pay $7, go through the program and if you don’t like it get a refund. That’s how CONFIDENT they are that this program WILL DELIVER.