Is Cash for Patriots a scam? Recently I have review countless programs promising checks up for the taking including Trump Bonus Checks Review, Freedom Checks Review, Federal Rent Checks all with similar premises.
Created by Zachary Scheidt the ruse is you sign up, and literally get checks in the mail! Money for nothing, who wouldnt want to sign up. Is it too good to be true? Read on for a closer look at the Cash for Patriots program Hoax….or at the very least the extremely blurry grey area they operate in.
If all you wanted to know was if its legit, you don’t have to read any further. Cash for Patriots is not for you and you more than likely will make NO MONEY.
These days we can all make money online, and scammers know it. I spend all my time weeding out the scams, and finding the best way to make money online. If I don’t make money, I wont recommend it. Looking for the real deal? Click the link below to unlock your financial future!
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Cash For Patriots Review
The Cash For Patriots program is created by Zach Scheidt an essentially a newsletter published by an investment company Agora Financial. Now Agora Financial has a bit of a checkered past and have developed a notorious reputation in the investment world with many consumers claiming they give bad advice an employ misleading sales tactic. Not off to a good start here are we?
Cash For Patriots claims to be unlike other social security programs in that you don’t need to meet any special requirements. Literally ANYONE can make money from home regardless of age, income or social status.
Zach claims it has something to do with recent tax reforms introduced president Trump. Zach says, and I quote “There is $2.6 trillion dollars up for grabs to be distributed between the citizens of America”
So based on the current population for America the government is giving away over $7,951 to literally EVERY CITIZEN OF THE COUNTRY. All you have to do is put your hand up? Red flag number 2. But as always at affiliated success, a honest review mean outlining everything about the program to help you make an informed decision if you somehow disagree with me. So we will continue to dive deeper!
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Cash For Patriots Review – The Sales Pitch!
Are you struggling to pay your bills? Do you want to make money at the comfort of your own house or office without putting so much effort? Do you want to generate good income to enable you live a happy and lavish lifestyle in your golden years? If yes then Cash For Patriots could be the right program for you.
How to collect up to $6,567 every month.
Trumps $2.6 Trillion “Cash for Patriots Program”.
These are some of the sales pitches used by Cash for Patriots to hook you into the program found in banner ads and on websites.
Zach claims if you simply sign up to his email list, he will send you the checks in the mail EVERY MONTH. Would President Trump really create an initiative where a private investment company sends checks on the governments behalf, only if you opt in and pay a subscription – highly unlikely. Dare I say impossible.
This is a private initiative and has nothing to do with Social Security.
What exactly is Cash For Patriots?
Cash For Patriots is a program that will apparently show you exactly how to get a share of this cash every single month. Once you have completed your Cash for Profits enrollment, Zach claims if you follow the information that has been shared in this program, then you should expect at least two checks every month. However the Cash for Profits enrollment is really a subscription to a paid newsletter.
If you pay for the newsletter it will teach you how to claim these checks on a constant basis. These are checks from the private sector and, despite apparently being a part of president Trump’s tax reform, they are not checks of a government origin.
Ok so the checks exist so the program isn’t a scam? Let me explain where the money comes from first.
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Cash for Patriots – Where Does The Money Come From?
Ok so where is this $2.6 trillion dollars coming from that is to be shared amongst American Citizens? President Trumps new tax reform in a nutshell made it far more attractive for companies to bring money that use to be stored in offshore tax havens into the US. And this is, what the $2.6 trillion dollars is loosely referring to.
So the money IS REAL!? Now I just have to claim it? Not exactly. The newsletter is actually a monthly newsletter from Zachary Schedit’s Agora Financial called “Lifetime Income report”. At its core, the Lifetime Income Report is an investment newsletter with advice on these companies. The “checks” are actually company dividend checks.
As the companies move their money back onto American soil, the principle is they will become more attractive to investors, increasing the value of their stock. Along with this, if you invest in these companies you will receive your company dividends, if the company remains profitable.
Cash for Patriots is a hoax, sales rhetoric with no association to the Trump administration. The tax cuts are real for companies. This does not equal $2.6 trillion dollars up for grabs to be distributed between the citizens of America.
Is Cash For Patriots A Scam? The Verdict.
Cash for Patriots is a hoax. Cash for Patriots is a scam. Call it whatever you want, it is a manipulative, sneaky sales tactic to con would be internet marketers and aspiring work from home business people into signing up to the Lifetime Income Report.
Could the information presented in the report make you money? Yes the tax cuts are real, but as with any investment advice there are no certainties. You need money to invest and their are inherent risks involved.
Bottom line is the Cash for Patriots program is not what it is marketed to be, and this should raise red flags with ANY would be investor. There is no association with the Trump administration and its all a ruse to lure investors in. STAY AWAY FROM THE CASH FOR PROFITS SCAM!
Before you leave…
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