Looking for a honest ClickFunnels Lead Funnels review? Whether you are in affiliate marketing, eCommerce or any form of online business lead generation is always a difficulty. For even the most experienced marketer generating good quality leads is a constantly evolving technique of trial and error.
To solve this problem, ClickFunnels created Lead Funnels to share all the top secrets the company has discovered over the course of leading online companies to generate just under $4 billion through their sales funnels. Lead Funnels brings together over 100 lead generation funnels, hand picked by the ClickFunnels team that you can immediately implement to accelerate your business and maximise your revenue.
There is no doubt anything out of the ClickFunnels stables is a legit product, but is this the one you should buy? Or would you be better saving your money for one of their other offerings? In a moment we will dive in and find out, but before we do….
I started affiliate marketing in 2019 after a chance meeting with a super affiliate who was just beginning to explode. After a few texts I was at his house, going through his numbers, looking at home much he earn’t – I was hooked. From there I did everything wrong. Forged my own path, got scammed, wasted money’s on techniques I didn’t know how to implemented. It was then I decided to start Affiliated Success to share what I had learnt, and reveal every scam I could – so you didn’t have to be scammed.
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ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Review
Anyone who has every had an affiliate business, eCommerce business or online business would have ultimately heard of ClickFunnels before. If you are completely new you can check out my full ClickFunnels review here. But the brief summary is as follows.
In 2014 Russell Brunson co-founded ClickFunnels with Todd Dickerson, after becoming frustrated with the technology available at the time for developing sales funnels. In its first 3 years ClickFunnels grew to over $100 million in sales and has over 90,000 active users.
As of September 9th, 2019 ClickFunnels has 95,000 active users who had created over 5.5 million sales funnels which have generated just under $4 billion of revenue. ClickFunnels now operates in 175 different countries, and has captures nearly 1 billion leads.
ClickFunnels has some serious data to analyse and arguably would be the biggest funnel and lead generation platform. Taking this data, Russell and the team have review the most successful funnels, and lead generation tactics and put together 106 case studies. In doing so giving you access to the largest proven collection of lead generation tools.
The great thing about Lead Funnels is the techniques are not niche or industry specific. They will work in literally any niche, service or profession you and your business operates in, including;
- Agencies
- Astrology
- Attorneys
- Beauty
- Coaches
- Consultants
- Cooking
- Dentists
- Diet
- Ecomm
- Financial
- Fitness
- Franchises
- Gym Owners
- Healing
- Health
- Masterminds
- Musicians
- Newsletters
- Podcasting
- Real Estate
- Social Media
- Sports
- Supplements
- Traffic
So before we take an in-depth look a ClickFunnels Lead Funnel offering, lets take a look at the creator, Russell Brunson and why we should even listen to anything he suggests.
You Can Buy ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Here
ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Creator Russell Brunson
Russell Brunson has a long history in online sales, and marketing. In 2003, Russell started out selling a software called ZipBrander a viral marketing tool that help drive traffic and increase profits for your website. Following this 2 year stint, in 2005, Russell created his own product, a DVD called “How To Create A Potato Gun”. As an upsell he offered a potato gun kit which included all the materials needed. Simple as it was, the campaign was successful and Russels first real taste of online marketing that quickly established him as one of the most successful marketers in the world.
From there Russell put everything into his sales and marketing businesses, learning invaluable information. He sold everything from supplements, coaching services, books, t-shirts and tech products. Across the multiple network marketing companies he worked for, he often ascended to the top commission earning. In fact his success lead to him winning a Ferrari and generating over 1.5 million leads in 6 short weeks.
After becoming frustrated by the lack of good funnel building software after being constantly blocked by their limitations, Russell decided to create ClickFunnels in 2014 with co-founder Todd Dickerson. In the companies first 3 years ClickFunnels grew to over $100 million in sales and over 90,000 active users.
ClickFunnels has now become arguably the biggest Funnel building software in the world. As of 2020 Russells training, reaching, and ClickFunnels software has helped produce over 728 millionaires.
As if all of this wasn’t enough, he has a following of over 1 million entrepreneurs, has sold over 400,000 of his books and become synonymous with sales funnels. Now we know Russells incredibly impressive resume and his credibility we need to unpack a few more things before we look at ClickFunnels Lead Funnels in-depth;
- What is a swipe file?
- What is a lead funnel?
- What is in a lead funnel?
What Is A Swipe File?
If you are new to the affiliate marketing, online business, ecommerce or marketing world you may never have heard of a swipe file. For those already in the game you have probably seen it everywhere. So for the newbies, what exactly is a swipe file, and why is it constantly offered with every virtually all programs and online offerings.
A swipe file is a essentially a collection of all the marketing ideas you have created, come across, or seen over the years. Swipe finds are incredibly helpful for creating new content and marketing ideas, as well as recycling successful past marketing tools.
Generally the swipe files you’ll encounter will come in two forms.
- A marketing expert, or a “guru” will offer a swipe file of their best marketing ideas, campaigns, and tools they have developed over their careers. They may be specfic to particular products, but not nessecarily.
- A swipe file to help promote a product or course you have purchased. This is generally an affiliate swipe file of approved marketing imagery, suggest ad content and copy. This is often your starting point when promoting as an affiliate.
Swipe files can contain a wide variety of campaigns, tools and content including;
- Email Swipes – anything from lead nurturing, cold conversion emails & numerous sales emails.
- Ad Copy – for social media platforms, google ad words and youtube.
- Videos – videos that peak interest of convert leads that have either been approved to you as an affiliate, or are recommended by your “guru” or marketing expert.
- Images – images that peak interest of convert leads that have either been approved to you as an affiliate, or are recommended by your “guru” or marketing expert.
- Headlines – short snappy headlines that have proven to generate higher click through rates or conversions.
If your swipe file is from a marketing expert or guru it may be divided into niches or industries to help you target them more effectively. Great copy needs to be industry or niche specific to relate to your prospects and build rapport. Now whilst these swipe files often give specific examples for ads, and emails, it is still worthwhile to experiment with the copy.
Making tweaks and slight changes makes it your own, and helps develop your skills. You should use the swipe file as a foundation to build your own content, otherwise you risk publishing the same material as everyone else who has access to the swipe file.
What Is A Lead Funnel?
A lead funnel, as the name suggests is a particular marketing sequence, or “flow” that you use on your leads to funnel them to a particular outcome – generally a sale. Lead funnels are used to take your traffic sources into leads that you can nurture and ultimately generate sales from. Using lead funnels can be the difference between a part time, on the side hustler and a super affiliate and full time online business owner.
The purpose of a good lead funnel is not simply collecting contact information or emails, but also pre qualifying them. Rather than having 100s or 1000s of leads that may not be specific to your niche and receptive to buying from you. A well created lead funnel will qualify your leads to ensure those that do end up in your database are worth the time to nurture and follow up. Lead capturing is more about quality than quantity.
So how exactly do you get their information? It is more than just a pop up that says “Give me your email”.
What Is In A Lead Funnel?
Lead funnels generally consist of 4 key components, and then often flow into different offerings, bumps or one time offers. These 4 components are;
- Lead magnet – A lead magnet is some sort of valuable offer that marketers, online business owners or affiliates offer as an incentive to get contact information from leads. Lead magnets can be anything eBooks, video case studies, downloadable PDF content reports and many other forms of content.
- Landing page – A landing page is a sleak, well designed page that succinctly describers what you are offering, why the lead should give you their contact information and what it will mean if they do.
- Capture form – this one is fairly obvious, once they click through on your landing page, the capture form is your way of getting the leads contact information. Anything from email, phone number, to facebook messenger optins and subscribing to newsletters.
- Thank you page – self explanatory, this page thanks your lead for providing their information. It is also a way to bridge into other offers such as
- An upsell or one time offer – once getting their lead with a free offering, you can bridge them into an upsell or a one time offer. This can be down directly after the thank you page, or once they have viewed the free content.
- A Video/case study – depending on what your lead magnet is, you can bridge into a long form video or case study giving your lead a lot more information, and peaking their interest. This can help to qualify if they are the right lead for you and prepare them for a high ticket sale.
- Your affiliate link offers – generally these will be linked to the above two options and provide you with commissions for the sale.
Despite the components being fairly simple and basic, their is an artform to creating the perfect lead funnel. Just like ad copy, and advertising, their is so much content out there it is important to stand out and grab your audiences attention.
A common strategy to get started if you are new, is to simply see what the top influencers or affiliates are doing in your niche. Sign up to as many lead magnets as you can, and see how they promote their offerings. What stood out to you, and what made you want to buy?
Sounds simple right? The great thing about Clickfunnels Lead Funnels offer is that it provides 106 case studies all for just $7. It is a must for anyone who wants to craft the perfect lead funnel. AND ITS ONLY $7. I spend more on coffee. So whats it all about – lets take a closer look.
Get Your Copy Of ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Today It WILL NOT Be This Cheap For Long!
What Is ClickFunnels Leads Funnels About?
Lead Funnel Lead Funnels comes in the form of a 172 page eBook created by Russell Brunson, and is a collection of his best lead funnels. In fact Russell uses these funnels himself and they are proven to convert. When you buy Lead Funnels you get access to them all in a swipe file, and can use them to structure your offerings and scale your business.
This eBook is probably one of the best investments I made when I first started out my affiliate marketing business. Lead funnels were a completely foreign concept to me – I believed I simply promoted my offering and directed them to leads to the sales page. Of course I got barely any sales. The funnels you get with lead funnels can easily be copied and edited however you like, which is perfect to differentiate your business from others.
Within the 172 pages Russell covers;
- Chapter 1: Lead Funnel History
- Chapter 2: Lead Funnel Strategy
- Chapter 3: Lead Funnel Implementation
- Swipe Files: Funnels
- Swipe Files: Landing Pages
ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Chapter 1: Lead Funnel History
Chapter 1 gives a brief history into the origins of Lead Funnels. Prior to lead funnels websites depended on pop ups as their primary means of promoting offers, page redirects and in page links.
Whilst these are still tools that are used today, plugins were quickly developed to block pop ups and marketers methods. This was mainly in part due to their over use in the early days of the internet. Visitors to sites were bombarded with pop ups, often multiple popups on landing and through the navigation of the site – ad blocked become a necessity.
Marketers adapted their methods to counter these changes, and in my opinion developed a more robust and effective method for converting sales. As I suggested earlier, the lead funnels not only gave leads access to the offers, but also gave the marketer ample opportunities to vet and qualify the traffic.
This chapter offers a good understanding into why lead funnels were developed, and in this knowledge gives readers the tools to become dynamic to changes as they arise.
ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Chapter 2: Lead Funnel Strategy
As the name suggests, this chapter reviews the key strategies for creative effective lead funnels. As I suggested earlier there are four main components of lead funnels, which are all covered off in this chapter:
- Lead magnet
- Landing page
- Capture form/email opt-in form
- Thank-you page
With the introduction of each component, Russell discusses the importance and how they compliment the preceding and following components. Lead funnels can be incredibly simple, a funnel as little as 2 pages was able to generate over 185,000 leads for Clickfunnels. Or lead funnels can incorporate long form copy, multiple in depth videos and numerous pages.
Your strategy depends on your product, and what your audience will be most receptive to. If it is a high ticket offer, that involves a considered decision long form may be more appropriate. Whereas low ticket items with obvious clearly articulated benefits can be simple with short form content and 1 or two pages.
ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Chapter 3: Lead Funnel Implementation
After learning your strategy, chapter 3 will give you the tools to implement it appropriately. This chapter will help you take the strategy and tailor it to your specific niche and business to effectively incorporate lead funnels into your sales process.
The Lead Funnels eBook offers a step by step guide for setting up your funnel properly, to maximise your conversions and potential sales. Along with the step by step guide, you will also be provided with a wealth of tips and techniques for establishing rapport with your audience, and to develop their trust – a key to converting your leads.
I suggest prior to reading this chapter, you spend the time to research and clearly establish who your target audience is. As I suggested in chapter 2, your audience will often govern the form your funnel may take, depending on the copy they will be more receptive to. Additionally your target audience will define what your copy needs to say, and what messaging you need to develop. Without knowing your target audience, you will be throwing content at randomly at whoever will view it – which could be quite costly and a waste a time. Despite lead funnels being highly effective at qualifying leads, you do not want traffic, for the sake of traffic.
ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Swipe Files: Funnels
Chapters 1-3 are essentially entree of this book, the main reason Lead Funnels is so highly sought after is the funnels. This swipe funnel has over 100 lead funnels that are proven to convert. These come highly recommended by Russell Brunson and have been used by him throughout his lucrative marketing career.
People often skip chapters 1-3 and jump straight to the swipe file due to the ease of use and deployment. You can literally take the funnels as is, and use them immediately, or remodel them to better suit your offer and niche.
However I highly recommend you read chapters 1-3 to better prepare you to take the funnels as is, and personalise them effectively to your business. After reviewing all the funnels, you will probably find components of some that you prefer to others. This is a great opportunity to switch up the funnels, and merge the ones that resonate the most with you. It goes without saying, if you use the funnels exactly as they are to change the copy so you don’t look exactly like everyone else who has purchased Lead Funnels.
ClickFunnels have given you a garage full of stock cars, and in chapters 1-3 taught you to drive. Its up to you to customise and beef them up, chose the colours and interior, add ons etc.
This swipe not only gives you the funnels, but also breaks them down, and reviews them in depth. Unpacking each component, the hook, story and offer.
ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Swipe Files: Landing Pages
Similar to the funnels in the ClickFunnels Lead Funnel swipe file, the landing pages swipe gives you the most effective and high converting landing pages to compliment your funnels. Landing pages are an incredibly important part of lead funnels, and are often the first touch point with your leads after the lead magnet.
Your lead magnet has managed to entice the lead to click through to your landing page, it is crucial you do not lose their interest with a poorly designed landing page. These landing pages are perfect to implement with the lead funnels in the swipe file.
Get Your Copy Of ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Today It WILL NOT Be This Cheap For Long!
ClickFunnels Lead Funnels Pricing – How Much Will It Cost?
At this point you would know that Lead Funnels costs $7 dollars – it goes without saying. But with every ClickFunnels offer, the real value is in the upsells and bumps. You can think of Lead Funnels as the lead magnet. Whilst it is the main offer, the bumps and upsells are definitely worth considering. Lead Funnels has the following upsells;
- OTO (One Time Offer) Order bump $37 – Live Training Videos & Share Funnels
- Upsell $100 – One Funnel Away Challenge
- Downsell $47 – One Funnel Away Challenge Digital Version
- Thank You Page Offer (Free) – ClickFunnels 14 Day Trial
Lead Funnels OTO Order Bump Live Training Videos & Share Funnels
Worth over $250 in value, this offer also comes with 30 pre-design share funnels. Share funnels are essentially a link to a completely functional lead funnel designed by other ClickFunnel users, or Russell and his team. To use a these funnels you must have a ClickFunnels account so you can import them into your account.
Once you have the funnel in your ClickFunnels account you can simply change the branding and messaging. ClickFunnels editor is incredibly easy to use and these share funnels can fast track you to more sales and higher conversions.
Lead Funnels Upsell One Funnel Away Challenge Physical Version.
The One Funnel Away Challenge has been around for years, and is the starting point for most new users to ClickFunnels.
The premise of the program is it teaches you how to build and create your first successful funnel in 30 days. You are just one funnel away from your break through and a successful online business.
The One Funnel Away Challenge seeks to accelerate your success with the ClickFunnels software. That’s not to say the on boarding and training resources with the ClickFunnels software isn’t adequate, but like most users I wanted someone to tell me what to do. To spell it out and offer me a step by step road map.
The 30 Day training is provided by three coaches. Russel Brunson, Julie Stoian and Stephen Larsen. Russell provides the important tasks for the day, and focuses on highlighting key strategies. Julie covers a step by step guide for implementing and building upon Russells videos – she is the “how to coach” of the One Funnel Away Challenge. Finally Stephen conducts live group calls and acts as an accountability coach to ensure you really maximise the benefits of the program!
There is 5 weeks worth of lessons in the challenge, that get sent to you daily to you inbox. Each lesson comes with actionable steps you must carry out prior to the next lesson to build upon your knowledge and work. The lessons include;
- Pre-training – Belief
- Week #1 – Hook, Story, Offer
- Week #2 – Your Hooks and Stories
- Week #3 – The Funnel
- Week #4 – Make It Rain
- Week #5 – Post Training The Next 90 Days
All for just $100, Russell values the program at $3,126.
Lead Funnels Downsell One Funnel Away Challenge Digital Version
The downsell if just the digital version of the One Funnel Away Challenge for a discounted $47. The only difference in this product versus the physical version is you do not get the mp3 player, however yous till get access to all the audio recordings of Russell daily tasks.
You also do not get a physical copy of the One Funnel Away Challenge workbook or the 30 Days Hardcover book. However you still get all the main benefits of the physical version of the program.
Lead Funnels Thank You Page Offer ClickFunnels 14 Day Trail
The final offer after you purchase the Lead Funnels offer is the ClickFunnels 14 Day Trial offer. As I stated earlier, the shared funnels and lead funnels in the program are best implemented and capitalised on through using ClickFunnels.
You should immediately sign up to the free trial when you buy Lead Funnels purely so you can start implementing what you learn – and all under a 14 day time constraint. It is a great way to force action.

One Last Thing Before You Go…
ClickFunnel’s definitely has some great content, and as a software is a must for building exceptional sales funnels. However it is not my number 1 recommendation for making money online.
I have tried so many programs and systems I have lost count. The ones that were not scams all have their strengths and weaknesses but the one that resonated the most with me, and has made me the most money, was developed by one of the 16 super affiliates, Jacob Caris.
Jacob has developed a simple 3 step system for building a super affiliate business – you could say his resume definitely shows he is cut out for the job! It is aptly named Super Affiliate Accelerator. The great thing about his system is it does not require any tech skills, and can be used from anyone to a complete beginner to a seasoned veteran.
In fact it has recently been so successful I have started to see other programs scrambled and doing damage control as students are leaving to come to Super Affiliate Accelerator.
If you are serious about building a profitable online business, and growing to become a super affiliate this program is for you. Jacob does not accept everyone however. You must be willing to put in work, and be committed to succeeding – otherwise he will turn you away. Sound like you? Click the link below to get started.
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