Looking for an honest Home Income Millionaire review? Or simply want to know if it’s a scam? Home Income Millionaire claims, like most of the systems I have recently reviewed to help you make $1000’s per day with a simple system.
It immediately remind me of a series of reviews I have done on similar systems – Point To Click Profits Review, Quick Home Websites Review, Secret Online Goldmine Review, and Instant Cash Solutions Review.
All promote big financial gains, with minimal effort and a product offering with limited spots. Is Home Income Millionaire just another scam, or will it help you make your fortune online? In a moment we will look, but if you landed on this page undoubtedly you are looking for online money-making options.
Maybe you have been scammed before or you are tired of searching. Making money only really isn’t that difficult, and to be honest the reason why most people don’t succeed is just their motivation. If you are consistent, dedicated and commit your time you can make a successful career online.
If you are sick of scammers, and tired of searching check out my number 1 recommendation for making money online. Out of the 100s of programs I have tried and tested, this program has helped me make the MOST MONEY and helped me learn all the skills I needed to do it.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
>>>> Check Out My Number 1 Recommendation For Making Money Online <<<<
Home Income Millionaire Review
The Home Income Millionaire website is a pretty standard set up for systems like this one. Upon landing on the website, you are immediately greeting with a marketing video, a countdown indicating the final spots to the program are almost up, and then a series of testimonials.
These programs focus on hype income results, FOMO to drive a sense of urgency and often false testimonials to build credibility with the readers.
It has all the tell-tale signs of a common get rich quick scheme scam. Taking advantage of the naive who are new to the online business world and often those that are desperate for money.
So, what is Home Income Millionaire all about? Can you make money from this program, or is it a straight-out scam? Let’s take a look!
What Is Home Income Millionaire About?
Home Income Millionaire is a new website I have encountered that markets some pretty hyped and bold claims. The program is apparently normally $497 but today only they are selling it for $97.
If you happen to watch the entire video, you won’t discover what the system is, or even what it is loosely related to. All you will learn is that this is the opportunity of a lifetime and you will make huge amounts of money if you follow this program.
The video starts out with stock images of mansions, sports cars and luxurious world-wide locations. Before launching into the testimonials.
“My wife and I are living a lifestyle that we always talked about”
“I’m averaging over $9000 a week, that’s just crazy”
“4 checks last week totalling just over $37,000”
They all thank a man named Mark, an anonymous man we never meet. The video then claims, “you’re about to become a millionaire” and “you won’t even have to lift a finger because other people will do the work for you” are among the sales claims.
The video is literally all about being a millionaire, what it will mean you can buy, and that “Mark’s” team will do all the work for you. Better still in the first week you WILL get a $5000 check. Sounds too good to be true? Let’s see how it apparently works?
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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How Does Home Income Millionaire Work?
As I alluded to previously there isn’t much to go on here as to how the system works. In fact, there isn’t a system. How you will come across this is generally through an email or an online Ad promising to make you a millionaire.
You will then be funnelled into the below sales page. You must watch the entire video if you want to purchase the program. This is so they can continue to hype the program. In total we hear from 5 people who are reportedly making as much as $40,000 in as little as 3 weeks. All made $5,000 within the week.
If you buy into the hype, believe it will change your life and that you are the special few who have been selected to be part of this program it will cost you $97. You will need to sign an non disclosure agreement NDA to keep the system a secret. Because you know, its so exclusive and special they don’t want too many people to find out about it.
Then you will be given incredibly generic training. The disclaimer states
Disclaimer: Just so you know, the results I have achieved are not what can generally be expected. The Home Income Millionaire program is not a job opportunity, it is an opportunity for education that can help people to earn money through their efforts.
Home Income Millionaire is an Internet marketing education program. By purchasing the Home Income Millionaire program, you are not purchasing a business, business opportunity, or job.
Some major red flags here. Let’s dive into them a little deeper.
Home Income Millionaire Red Flags
1. There is No System – you never learn of any system. There is some generic training that has been pulled off the internet to at least give you something. But there is no team making sales and you will NOT get a check at all.
2. The testimonials are COMPLETELY fake, they are all paid actors – Normally I would spend the time tracking down the actors Fivver or Upwork profiles but I wont even bother here. They are obviously fake BECAUSE THERE IS NO SYSTEM.
3. They even TELL YOU, you probably won’t make money – the disclaimer under the video states:
*Results shown are not typical. Please see the earnings disclaimer for typical results.
Then in the earning disclaimer they state:
“Anyone who buys a program about making money will not necessarily make money simply by purchasing the program. Who knows you may never make any money.”
4. Mark doesn’t exist – we only know he is Mark. No photos, no last name. No mention of what this $500 million-dollar company is even called. It is all fake.
It is laughable how bad this scam is.
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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Home Income Millionaire Scam or Legit? The Verdict
No surprises here, Home Income Millionaire is 100% ABSOLUTELY A SCAM. You will not make a CENT with this program. There is no system. No one has ever made money.
The entire sales video just tells you how much money people make, how much you can make and what you can buy with all your money. THE MONEY WILL JUST COME POURING IN. No why or how. Just pay $97.
I must admit though, kudos to the Home Income Millionaire team for creating the MOST HYPED BLATANT SCAM I have ever reviewed. Disappointed? The good thing there are legitimate ways to make money online and they are even that hard!
How Do You REALLY Make Money Online?
The good thing is making money online is actually quite easy. That’s the process. It does require hard work AND time though. There is no get rich quick schemes online. In fact, most people fail to make money online simply because they give up or they do not stay committed to the process.
If you understand that you need to work to make money online. You need to be committed to set up an online business to eventually earn you a passive income, then read on. If you want to make money fast, and lots of it, this isn’t for you.
Below is my number 1 recommendation for making money online. It will teach you the tools YOU NEED to make money online, and to be successful. Regardless of how you want to make money online you need to know how to sell it, where to sell it, and how to run your business. This is how I learnt ALL of that, and grew to the position I am in today.
If you are serious about making money online this is the program for you:
This simple program has made me the MOST money online.
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